Posts by Soon Lee
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Hard News: Bowie, in reply to
To anyone who ever grew up in a conformist community, where [INSERT NON-MAINSTREAM ACTIVITY HERE] was frowned on if you're lucky, or got you beaten up or worse if you weren't, Bowie told us it's okay to be different in the most emphatic way possible: he lived it.
Last one.
Higher-res versions here -
Capture: A Place to Stand, in reply to
Mustn't forget to mention their minions, the Knights of Ren-deer.
I'll see myself out...
Can we embed youtube vids in the comments?
Stephen Colbert & Henry Rollins Sing “Carol Of The Bells"
Up Front: Reading Murder Books, in reply to
Regarding Bridge of Birds, the forgotten classics podcast recorded all of bridge of birds as hourlong pod casts starting here:
Thanks! Runs off to download.
The Subterranean Press version has additional notes from Hughart which I have excerpted below. Seasonally apropos warning: contains references to turkey.
"Will there be more? I doubt it, and it’s not because of bad sales and worse publishers. It’s simply that I’d taken it as far as I could. Oh, I could come up with more ingenious plots and interesting characters and so on, but the Ox/Master Li format had become just that, a format, and no matter how well I wrote I’d just be repeating myself. Many writers are content to settle down with an endless if predictable series, but I’d be miserable, and so it was like deciding to quit smoking: cold turkey or forget about it, and I chose cold turkey. Anyway, it was a lot of fun while it lasted, and I hope Ox and Li Kao can continue to give fun to readers, and I most particularly hope that on dark and stormy nights some of those readers will be able to crawl into my alternate world and pull it over them like a security blanket."