Posts by James Green

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  • Hard News: We'll find out where all the…,

    however, this sort of idiocy only seems to take place in certain places - rural NZ, including Christchurch

    Ummmm, I know I'm only going my that ever reliable source, the msm, but er, wasn't there a huge flap over the behaviour of teens on the shore a couple of years ago? Involving drinking, cars, and out-of-control partying?

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: We'll find out where all the…,

    I've heard all the arguments about how 'hard' it would be to have a split drinking age but I really don't see the difficulty.

    It seems that a split drinking age would be much more straightforward than the old situation. And, apart from the silly "intent to eat" thing, I think the old situation worked reasonably well. You had a fair chance of going to a pub for a couple of years, with somewhat difficult access to alcohol becoming materially easier at 20. OTH hand, I'm sure too many people here will have memories of the old paper driver's licences, finding an older person with your eye colour, memorising the DoB, and perhaps working on the signature...

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: We'll find out where all the…,

    Word of mouth travelled by phone and by, well, word of mouth in those days

    I think in the olden days there was a lot to be said for driving around looking for parties, and of course parking up your car in certain places and discussing what you'd seen or heard. Or if nothing was going on, then the driving round and parking up etc. was your evenings entertainment...

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: We'll find out where all the…,

    I remember having long debates with my parents about inviting friends over. They were always epically paranoid that something I would organise might devolve into a huge event with hundreds of gate-crashers. They never did, but I guess in the end it only takes the minorest of leaks and chinese whispers before an intimate soiree turns into the gatecrasher party.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Southerly: New Zealand's Wave Energy…,

    it would be nice to have a wind farm out of sight, just over the horizon from the shore.

    They'd have to be really far out, especially if they're trying the size of wind turbine Meridian have in mind for the Rock and Pillars. At 150m tall, that's quite something. By way of analogy, I think we were seeing icebergs 40km off the cost (although that was from a high point, but I don't think the icebergs were 150m tall)

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    I know some farmers claim to have a shoot on sight policy for strange dogs on their property. Not sure if it is just talk or not, but when hydatis or stock killing are valid fears then I suspect not.

    Bahaha. There was a couple of farmers on the front page of the paper a few years ago with guns over their shoulders. I think they had shot one dog that had been mauling their sheep, and were threatening to shoot any more dogs they saw around.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: Some actual politics,

    the more nurofen plus I consume

    Hmmm. Explains quite a bit.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    I was too shy at the time to appreciate that that probably meant she fancied me. :)

    That sort of attack the target of your affections is usually more of a guy thing innit?

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    I can't even be bothered starting on my concussions, but just remembered another good one.

    Home Knitting Machines. Which possess a really nifty thing that you slide across a row of sharp needles, making a cool sound. Well I fell of the cheer, and caught my ear on said row of sharp needles. Apparently it took both my parents to hold me down for the stitches.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    if the existing laws were enforced then incidents would be less likely

    Part of the problem is that owners don't see their dogs as bad, and neighbours don't want to disturb the peace. I like the neighbours, but I have yet to convince them that there is anything off about their dog's behaviour. The dog may never bite anyone again, but I don't think I'll be doing anything about it until then...

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

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