Posts by FletcherB

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  • Field Theory: Did you see that?,

    A question on sailing..... All my life, sailors have been penalized for touching a mark (buoy) as its rounded.... but last night, many of the board sailers were making a habit of it.... some gently swiped it, and others had full-on dragging it along contact... but seemingly did not have to perform a penalty turn or anything else?

    Has board sailing always had different rules from "real" yachts or is this a recent change?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Island Life: A boycott would do nothing,

    Sky schmy.... we dont all have that box you know.... I'm glad the olympics are on free to air.... (not necessarily pleased it's getting NZ on air funding though?)

    Apart from the fact I just like watching a wide variety of sports, it's great to show the kids that rugby isnt the only thing you can strive to be good at....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Cracker: Mr Transparent,

    Well, Fletch, we don't vote for coalitions either - no matter how hard the punditocracy try to game 'em before hand.

    You're right, we dont vote for coalitions.... but the smaller the portion of voters who feel disenfranchised by the result, the better in my mind....

    48% thinking "i didnt vote for these idiots" is (usually) better than 65% thinking the same....

    I'm not saying it's perfect..... but I do think it's better than FPP.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Southerly: Wedding Bells,

    I would have been quite happy to remain a partner for the rest of my life, but it was important to my wife that we be married... so when she proposed, I accepted.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Cracker: Mr Transparent,

    So, are you saying it's preferable to be governed by a single party that 65% didnt vote for than a coalition that 48% didnt vote for?

    35% of the people might like that, but that seems less like democracy to me? Also, the 48% might be more comfortable that the main party they didnt vote for IS constrained at least a little....

    If the coalition was so fractious and unstable that nothing got done, like in some parts of the world, I can see why that would be bad... but so far, we havent had that experience in NZ.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Beijing: Ignoring it is not…,

    Well... I'm no Sofie Bribiesca myself, but I can see that may not catch on....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Beijing: Ignoring it is not…,

    because if your gullible enough to believe the crap then you are the right person to show ads to.

    Wow! best comment of the day. Thanks.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Beijing: Ignoring it is not…,

    "and we'll come back and wrap up after the break, but I'm not sensing a resolution."


    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Island Life: Let’s learn English, with…,

    Now, I'm not familiar with rubbish disposal in Helensville and welcome enlightenment from other PASers,

    I also am not familiar with rubbish disposal in Helensville... and I also wouldnt be surprised if John Key is as oblivious to it as we are.... because while thats his electorate, it's not where he lives, which if my recall is correct, may be Parnell or similar(?)

    but if we're talking plastic bags and if there are stray dogs in that electorate, I think we might have found likely suspects.

    The possibility of dogs did occur to me as well..... but if it's happened to him TWICE and not his neighbors..... that seems far less likely....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Island Life: Let’s learn English, with…,

    Jeremy... yes if you are genuinely centrist, sure... but what if you're a politician and you want as many votes as you can scrounge?

    Note, for my "what-if scenario" to be true, they wouldnt actually have to have personal belief in the "centrist line".... just knowledge that it was a genuine reality...

    If you are in a centre-right party.... getting votes from the centre-left is prioriy #1.... but stopping your existing votes drifting to ACT is also important....

    And with only a few exceptions, politicians of all sides have a bad habit of telling the listener what they want to hear....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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