Posts by Hilary Stace
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Freezing cold southerly and horizontal rain greeting shocked lightly clad visitors at Wellington airport tonight. Just a reminder I suppose to take nothing for granted, even summer.
Dick Quax has obviously never been to Melbourne. With free trams throughout the CBD and a lot of inner city apartments, student hostels and tourists, everybody is quaxing.
Is Mary Wilson behind the scenes at Morning Report now?
I love how these Access posts sometimes go on for months. What a great Access Archive (thanks again Russell). However, also shows that problems raised are often not addressed.
Socialism most looked up word in US Dictionary. People are interested again.
Please apply. Just to show there is interest. And of course you would be a great representative.
No Widows’ Benefit any more. Paula Bennett got rid of it a couple of years ago. There is just the Jobseeker and you are expected to look for work regardless of grief, kids etc. And the Sole Parent which expects work unless children are just babies.
Hard News: Art with a job to do, in reply to
No – as many (up to a certain number) or as few as you want.
Hard News: Art with a job to do, in reply to
Best to only number the ones you really like. I urged people not to number the Lockwoods at all so there would be no preferences to transfer. In Wellington we are getting more used to STV as it has been used in local body elections for several years now, and for wards with only a few candidates. Mostly I only number one or two candidates – those I really want to win – and leave the rest unnumbered.
Sharing some more disability activism around social media. Giovanni’s post on the select committee inquiry