Posts by Hilary Stace
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‘bloviates’ – what an apt description of his vacuous rants
Thanks for this Tom. Raises a lot of issues that I am sure many families will relate to. My son had such a run for a short time when he was a teenager. I thought it would be a nice normal activity for him. Our area has some steep streets. It took a lot of adult time to help sort and carry the heavy loads, and get the deliveries done on time – for minimal remuneration. Lots of letterboxes have signs saying they don’t want the material meaning the runs are even longer. I won’t put one on our letterbox even now (even though I don’t read most of the material and have doubts about the environmental aspects of such loads of paper) as I know the relief of unloading each batch of material .
Access: Disability abuse: it’s not OK, in reply to
Thanks for the reminder, Rosemary. Mihi Forbes was on to this issue when she was still with Native Affairs. But when media interest dissipates…
Yay Kirsty Johnston. OIA warrior. Champion of melding social media and mainstream media for great investigative stories. -
That linked now gone try the NZ Herald
Now the police are searching the house of those dangerous journalists Barry Soper and HDPA
(Sorry about Hager spelling, just know it rhymes with lager, and will take care to spell correctly in future)
I have just noticed this big restructure to the Ministry of Youth Development. Real people will lose their jobs and instead business and philanthropy will be expected to fund and support young people, particularly the most at risk and marginalised. As if there are millions of philanthropic dollars just floating around and businesses keen to help. We’ve often heard this strategy in the disability sector but NZ just too small and this wonderful resource just does not exist. So extra bad news for young disabled people.
Appropriate here is Giovanni’s latest post about the police raid on Nicky Hagar’s house.
Geoffrey Palmer has just published a learned plea for action on climate change in an article in the latest Policy Quarterly from Victoria University
(And if you read further in the issue you can also find an article about special education by Giovanni and me)
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some kind of major world recession before the next election. Probably not the collapse of capitalism, but enough for people to question some of their assumptions. It could be linked to the realisation that we all have to do something urgently and drastically to mitigate the worst effects of climate change.