Posts by Hilary Stace
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Hard News: Change for the Better, in reply to
Just watched the last 3D. They all lamented the end of the serious journalism TV genre and gave examples of the sort of voices that would not be heard anymore.
Now fully into the era of vacuous opinion.
Hard News: Change for the Better, in reply to
Listening to that Mediawatch link izogi posted above. It follows on from a nasty op ed piece in the DomPost a couple of weeks ago
Hard News: Change for the Better, in reply to
Why is Duncan Garner (an Aucklander) campaigning against our popular female Greenish mayor in Wellington?
I have Red Peak flying. It is a strong design and looks very good close up and at a distance. I’m going to keep flying it.
I want a word that means why do we have to keep fighting for the same things over and over again. Latest issue. Radio NZ cutting staff including one of my favourite programmes, the gentle and intelligent, Nights. We had a big public meeting to save RNZ a few years ago and here we have to do it again and again. (I don’t want to think that they are cutting resources in Wellington to pay for the flash reinvention of Checkpoint in Auckland which would make CampbellLive a little ironic.)
“Climate change” dominates everything else this year. Although “TPPA” is still simmering. Government speak is all about “investing for outcomes” .
Polity: Cold, calculated and cynical, in reply to
But not until mid 2017. Meantime the violence in Mt Eden continues, and the Australian government continues to charge deportees for their airfares and make them sign forms absolving Australian Government of anything – the NZ Government’s reassuring words don’t seem to count for anything. Just two separate items from Checkpoint today
‘A team of 31 eager workers on standby’. The language and reality of modern day sheltered workshops.
Heard that Serco was also about to be given a contract to provide ‘care’ for some of our most severely disabled adults, until the prison mess made the media. After all there isn’t much difference between prisoners and disabled people, is there? Neither have voice nor status. I hope the new minister doesn’t revive that one.
Hopefully, her time on the Education and Science Select committee and their current inquiry into special education issues has given her new insights so she won’t make statements in the future like the one she made a few years ago about the anticipated punishment an autistic man could expect in jail (and which was reported on Public Address).