Posts by Sam F

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  • Hard News: Screen Wars,

    Nitpick: I thought that the gun in question actually converted from an artificial tooth?

    Touche. District 9 may be closer to Lazy Gun territory...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: The conversation they want to…,


    The Human Rights Commission have dismissed Easton’s follow up complaint against the Bank saying that there is no provision in the Human Rights Act giving them the authority to engage the Bank. “That is just a load of dog’s bollocks” says an unreserved Easton.

    “The reason I am in all of these proceedings is because the errors I complain about are simply indefensible. What we have instead and in place is this intricate system where those who run it elect how it will function for their own benefit and protection rather than administrating through due process, natural justice and fairness. It is simply mind boggling that anyone wants to let the Bank get away with what they did. They abused the intelligence and integrity of all New Zealand saying only white dads hit children”.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: The conversation they want to…,

    Here's a direct link.

    That's what you get when you take a case against a bank, I guess. Unfortunately, I doubt this outcome is going to change Mr Easton's views with regards to the alleged lesbian conspiracy holding the levers of our government and courts.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Screen Wars,

    Are you serious? I'd pick a BFG over some wimpy little Star Trek phazer any time. When you kill someone in an action flick, you don't want them to just lie down and die in their own time, you want them to splatter all over their buddies, and the gun to hum down like a gigantic dynamo coming to rest.

    I'm not denying the awesomeness of BFG splat-guns, just saying that they seemed to be overused in the film, and just a bit cartoonish. The prawn guns might have been emergencies-only, but I'd have expected to see at least a *few* among them that were somewhat visually understated and could be concealed under something smaller than a packing crate - but still packing the same punch.

    Phasers I can take or leave; I was thinking more along the lines of one memorable weapon from Iain Banks' Consider Phlebas , which converted from a pendant into a tiny, silent-firing lacework pistol - with the firepower of a grenade launcher. Probably wouldn't work right on film though.


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Screen Wars,

    Saw D9 last night, and just posted a comment at Danyl's Dim Post:

    ... Enjoyed it hugely but couldn’t help but notice some of the major plot holes. And the way it suddenly showed its heritage with the shootout scenes – the better half (who was unfamiliar with Halo or the film’s roots) immediately picked these as the “video game” sections of the movie.

    (By the way, the battlesuit was a cool idea I could just about buy, but IMO the other guns were ridiculous – if your idea is alien handweapons with a serious punch, why not make them tiny and menacing, rather than colourful BFGs at every turn?)

    The energy and the newness of it really carried the film for me though – Sharlton Copley was very, very good – and I think it’s a much smarter political satire than it gets credit for, since most critics seem to have taken it as a simple spin on apartheid, rather than on the recurrent refugee crises in South Africa and apartheid’s lingering poisonous after-effects. Seen South African reviewers who’ve said as such (although to be fair, quite a few who haven’t too!).

    I too would have liked answers to some of those big questions hinted at at the start, but I suspect at this point it’s better fun to be left puzzling over them than having it all spelt out in some grandiose, disappointing sequel(s). Had the same bind with the Matrix – couldn’t wait to get the whole story, got it in spades, immediately wished the sequels had never happened…

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: The conversation they want to…,

    What made it a disaster? You said there was nothing to buy, but didn't much elaborate - not enough stuff, or nothing particularly good, or (God forbid) too many packaged 'products'?'

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Screen Wars,

    That was Gio ...

    Arg. Sorry. Mitigating circumstances: Wednesday morning, 14" screen about two feet away from me...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Screen Wars,

    Speaking of District 9, Evan Calder Williams took this picture in the streets of LA.


    I can't add much more than your reaction, Russell.

    Meanwhile, numerous acquaintances of mine have been keeping an eye on the almost complete and rather nice St Patrick's Square renovation, and pontificating over how quickly it will become a "hobo latrine" and why the benches don't have nice big metal dividers on them... I dunno, perhaps the Council ought to gate all city parks and issue access cards only to people with proof of address?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: The conversation they want to…,

    Dyan and Sam are both causing snerkfests over here. Heh.

    Of course it's been done much better before but I couldn't resist...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: The conversation they want to…,

    Personally I *much* prefer my real, authentic sunglasses to the giant sunglass-like-products that the bourgeoisie flaunt. I didn't get them from some middle-class boutique; I made my sunglasses myself at home, with barbed wire and cellophane. They don't feel like some a priori conception of sunglasses. They feel like sunglasses I made myself. They feel good.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

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