Posts by Sam F
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Ah, the reliable puerility of a spoonfed arrested teen.
Was this before or after you saw the MS Paint effort in Whale's latest post?
I mean to say, the records obviously didn't come from EndNote but from WorldCat online - I exported it all to EndNote and worked with it from there.
Ah, that's the thing - believe it or not I didn't bother to actually figure out how to do the bibliography in EndNote, and thus did the lot manually...
I only used EndNote to find global holdings of books and journals from a particular publisher, then work out roughly what was published, when, and so on - part of the last, more quantitative chapter of my history thesis. I do wish I'd known of a dedicated program to do this stuff!
I was able to check the amount of records in libraries worldwide against the publisher's own statistics, so was confident I'd gotten the bulk of what was produced on record. And yes, the data work was as boring as it sounds, but I got some good conclusions out of it and was able to order in ~100 items from various places - plenty of reading to keep me entertained (!).
Adolescence is spending hours crafting posts, emails and comments pursuing pointless irrelevance. "Fuck Off" would have been a response but would simply have lead to the same pointless theorising.
I beg to differ - that response wouldn't have entirely cut off the flow of speculation, but it would have given much less fuel to 'theorisers' and made the whole thing a lot less interesting.
Thankfully the persons concerned are convinced that their blogwar on the left really is Serious Business, and will thus keep on providing amusement for many Friday afternoons into the future.
It would have been nice to know of alternatives to EndNote before I used it in my thesis - had to manipulate thousands of bibliographic records to get data for my last chapter...
Heard Laws this morning claiming that the Otaki kids were being used by politically motivated adults. Personally I doubt it, but let's assume that was definitely what happened: even then, you would expect a responsible adult - let alone a public figure - to respond politely and defuse the situation, not commence a round of media-driven grandstanding and kura bashing.
But, of course, this is Laws we're talking about.
Couldn't really care less about the financial side of things - it's the sheer drama/spontaneous blog implosion that's made my day...
roarprawn's translation
Super-depressing comments section ahoy.
Thanks to the rather user-unfriendly archives on Stuff, I can't provide a link to the column on line
The page has been moved (and thus lost) but here it is reposted on Kiwiblog. Hold your noses:
There was even less evidence and less corroboration in this current trial. I have little doubt that the attorney-general and Crown Law so advised the police. But they persisted. Why?
Go back to my opening paragraphs. Because Police HQ regard Rickards and his mates as dirty. Morally dirty. Their sensual excesses in the mid-1980s were deemed to be wholly inappropriate in the first decade of this new century.
[...]Then there is the specious line of reasoning – advanced on TVNZ in the wake of the verdict by a female Victoria University criminologist -that the latest verdicts will have rape and sexual abuse victims refraining from complaint.
A commentary that presumes two things. First, that the jury were morons. Second, that criminal law need not apply if the alleged victim is an aggrieved female.
But that’s the thing these days. If you are male, white, heterosexual and middle-aged, you must be automatically guilty. Even when the evidence does not stack up.
You have to wonder where these abrupt ideological changes of tack come from with Garth. The comment about innate spirituality proves that it's still him - that ignorant condescension, as Craig says - but the rest of it's a mystery.