Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Hard News: On Science,

    Edit: Link fixed.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: On Science,

    Apologies to Peter Kerr and "Stick" but he has the links so i don't have to repeat them.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: On Science,

    Check the Powering Innovation report here

    Where there is no doubt is the fact that the rest of the OECD world spend a shit load more government money on R&D. New Zealand is the outlier - at the bottom end. New Zealand suffered from the New Right insisting that any contribution to industry was a subsidy, subsidies were the work of the devil and we have been the only ones to follow that path. The rest of the world thumbed their nose to it and carried on subsidising their businesses to the hilt.

    However, one big reason why the High Value Manufacturing report has taken an awful long time to emerge with the "Powering Innovation" title, is that the information presented to the panel - much to the disappointment of the science adminstration and funding bureaucrats - had the audacity to suggest that we really really were the outlier and here are the clear and present facts to back it up.

    IRL did have a large input and to their credit stuck to their guns presenting even more evidence throughout the ensuing process until the report emerged.

    In other words, it has nearly been an about face in terms of how government R&D should support business in NZ.

    Along the way there were some doubts expressed here. and then supported here.

    " What's your Problem New Zealand" (and here)was one of IRL's Big Ideas that considerably influenced the review. The big sticky bit over the years that IRL was always presented with - and had difficulty countering - was where was the proof that business DID want any R&D assistance?

    WYPNZ presented it in spades. Over 120 applications sent out the message loud and clear that NZ business needed access and assistance.

    I have a suspicion that in the interests of NZ Inc, the Powering Innovation report will stand to be the first genuine attempt to provide the future route for (mainly) the manufacturing industry's R&D assistance. So sadly missing since the demise of DSIR. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research may have been an apt name. Funny we have to reinvent the wheel so often.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Presentation and Reality,

    How will you pay for it?

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Speaker: Why Auckland, and New Zealand,…,

    Homai to the Airport through Blockhouse Bay, Glen Eden toHenderson. Kumeu to Albany, Glenfield, Birkenhead and bridge or tunnel to Britomart. Next loop from Panmure to Botany Downs, Flatbush to Homai. But first get the direct link from the airport, through Onehunga to Britomart. Gosh. That would mean you could catch the train from anywhere south to the airport as well.

    Now you have a decent network. Finishing the City Link is just touching on the biggie. It will improve things but it should merely be the start.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Fiscal Responsibility is the…,

    Take a lettuce. In the paddock (or hydroponic trough) it is "fresh vegetable" (FV). It is picked and put in a crate. Is it still FV? IMHO Y. It arrives in a "post harvest unit" and is put in a plastic bag. Is it still FV? IMHO......YNYN. it arrives at the auctions (do they still exist?) or supermarkets and bought by a retaurant. The lettuce is dismantled and placed in your side salad. Is it still FV? YN. Or, it is dismantled and a leaf put in your sandwich. Is it still FV? N. What about if you go to a "make your own sandwich bar" and YOU say to put the lettuce in. Is it still FV? YN.

    Now. Pick where it would start accruing GST.

    This applies to god knows what. It WILL be a minefield. Are imported oranges? NZ Oranges? Whole Ginger or mashed and bottled ginger?

    Keep GST universal and it eliminates the problems.

    Answer: Support your nearest farmers market. Screw the supermarkets. Grow your own,

    Life is so ......simple. So easy to say.....

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Fiscal Responsibility is the…,

    We need to be like Ireland. We could have an offshore banking industry right here. We could get 200 banks to set up shop here. Just think 200 CEOs at $5m a pop. Kiwi Accountants and lawyers would hope back home. When Ireland were doing this one firm was paying $250m to the Irish Exchequer. Wow. Taiwan sounds good too. Or Jersey maybe.

    Yachts. They're a biggie.

    Phooey. None of this hairy stuff. Let's go for the real stuff and churn the odd trillion a day in the money go round that this guy made his millions on. Good for me. Must be good for the country.

    Now where did we hear something like this??

    Try 2005. Herald, Fran O'Sullivan listening to John Key

    He is very quiet on the idea now.....ah yes...yesterday....


    The former investment banker knows what he is talking about.

    Tui ad response injected here.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Cracker: Spotted,

    No it's not!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Tower Insurance Have Some Bad…,

    There is no such thing as a harmless cardigan. All harmless cardigans are Nats voters. Dangerous.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    What is wrong with 50 years between readings?

    I had great delight a few years ago as the locals - again - were fighting to keep the Pinehaven Library open. At the Upper Hutt Rotary annual book sale I bought - for $1 - the biography of Murray Gelman (Physics Nobel Prize winner). This had the UH Library stamps all through it and one person had taken it out in the two (!!) years since it was bought. I took the opportunity to give it back to the Mayor at the public meeting as my contribution to ensuring my fellow Upper Huttites had access to it again. The librarian wriggled on his chair.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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