Posts by FletcherB

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  • Hard News: I'm a Pakeha and you can…,

    I can't fathom how he (BorisJohnson)) won. Surely it isn't just becoz he's a famous dickhead.

    Well, it works in Auckland and Wanganui, why not London?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birthday Cheer for Ricky the…,


    Yes, well intentioned bullshit is still bulshit..... But part of the point is that what Greenpeace does, IS as you say, for IT'S OWN ends..... it makes no pretense about what it stands for and why it's doing it. Heartland, and some of these other groups however, are not so up-front about their motivations...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Island Life: A simple 'your lordship'…,

    When I was at primary school, many years ago..... a nice woman came to class once a week to give "religious instruction" to us...

    The point is..... none of our parents could figure out the woman's name. It appears, every single child had a different account of what her name was... I always thought she was Riggedy Aloe. A strange name, to be sure, but when you're a child, if you're told someone's name, then that's their name....

    It wasnt until many years later did I find out that after piecing together several different versions did our parents figure out it was Brigadier Lowe from the Salvation Army.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Birthday Cheer for Ricky the…,

    I can see, that on a day-to-day basis.... a publisher doesnt need to worry too much about what is filling the gaps between the advertisements... They just need to get the gaps filled.

    But, long term, if they want to keep attracting eyes to those adds... they've got to have quality "filler"... And in a wider sense, its what's in the filler that shapes what types eyes are looking, and therefore what constitutes appropriate advertising to be sold for that particular publication...

    And I dont think you really need to be that astute to come to that conclusion.... So what Kerr said was probably more " a stick to beat the freelancers with" than a genuine reflection on his understanding of publishing? Or am I being too generous to Kerr?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Track to the Future,

    Nope - and in fact it does the opposite: it's an offence to deny or impugn the validity of a lawful marriage (a clause which IIRC was driven by anti-Catholic bigotry in the early C20th, and which we should do away with as it is an affront to free speech).

    Ooh.. ooh... cant we just use it to bash Mr Wishart over the head a few times before we abolish it? Please?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Track to the Future,

    I got married before civil unions were an option... But I was married by a non-church celebrant in a public park, and neither my wife or I attend church... I would probably have opted for a civil union if it was available.

    If chuches want to reclaim marriage as a religious/holy thing, a union between man, woman, and god, or however they like to say it.... Then thats fine, but they should be protesting against me and my wife as much as they are against gay couples.

    I'd be quite happy if anyone can get married, or if only church-goers could, and Civil Union or whatever other name you want use was the only option available to ALL couples outside a church...

    But the current situation, where I can choose to get married or have a cvil union, but someone else cant make that same choice is wrong.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Art of the Interview,

    On the subject of difficult interviewees....

    I suspect a reasonable proportion of the obstinance of police interviewees is in the interest of not giving away information to criminals still on the run from the crime being interviewed about, and after capture, not jeopardizing subsequent prosecutions... It might even be said to be in the public interest? (but not the interest of good TV)

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Southerly: Ian Wishart's 'Absolute…,

    More bad news for Mr Wishart :
    Press Council labels article misleading

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Southerly: A Very Short Stroll Through…,

    Thankyou Robyn for Numberwang.... it's my new favorite game show. I wish I knew how to play... I particularly enjoy the fact that they seem to have higher production values for a two minute sketch than any of the real new zealand game-shows seem to manage for a whole series...

    I used to enjoy Alas Smith and Jones very much, but concede it wasn't as good as their work in Not The Nine O'Clock News.

    I always had trouble getting into Reeves and Mortimer in their skit-shows... having more misses than hits, but love the Shooting Stars celebrity quiz show hosted by them.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Cracker: Slipping into Darkness,

    Fun fact: Google for "it's been a while since my last post" gives over 36,000 hits.

    What's more, you linguists and apostrophe fiends will be pleased to note, if you remove the apostrophe and use "its" instead of "it's"... the count is lower, not higher (less than 1000, in fact).... so the world isn't going to hell in a hand-basket.

    (I bothered to search because I suspected the opposite result)

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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