Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: No end of mileage,


    You're on drugs aren't you?

    For gods sakes, I'm a secondary school teacher. How the hell else do you expect me to get through the day! Actually today I am home suffering from dizzy spells. Is it possible to get lost in cyberspace and never find your way out? Where am I? Who are you?

    Today I had one of my boys who is about to turn 15 and get his license in a month say that he's not going to be one of those "boy racers". I thought that's a sweet relief and a good responsible thing for him to say. He then said "I'm going to drift, it's safer".


    Yamis, you mix in interesting circles: drunk motorcylists; friends who live in gang streets.

    Oh your'e just saying that cos you're in my circle. I have to bring up my friends in gang streets though cos I live next to a gang street which doesn't get you the same street cred.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    Not that I want to drive shit cars. Just that a 1999 Mazda Capella seems quite adequate.

    I've always seen cars the same kind of way. As long as it's reliable I really don't give a stuff. A kid that can put their bike chain back on knows about as much as me about mechanics.

    My father on the other hand has an Austin 7 in parts in the garage along with a vintage rugby truck. A decomposing International truck in the rain and another International truck in the shed, a little car for running about in and a great looking red Landrover ute which recently replaced the green one that was identical, which of course replaced the three Toyota utes he had before that.

    All I can see for the next 20 years is a procession of vehicles passing through their property.

    All that aside my car is so awesome. It was bought for 3,700 from some Cambodians at the Ellerslie market 2 years ago.

    It has the device where you push a button and sound is emitted where people are talking, sometimes I put a plastic token into it and I can listen to cooler sounds. It's got 4 extra seats that I can put my bags on and sometimes I let my wife and baby ride in them or else friends.

    And what's more it has a special cooling device and heating device on the inside and a compartment at the back for putting larger items like prams, groceries, bags of potting mix, and bodies into.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    The police lines about "doing what we can" and "always call the police, or "you're right to call" make me cringe a bit.

    Drunk as guy crashes into the ditch in front of my parents place, can't stand up, trying to get back on his bike to hoon off. I call the cops and they say "too busy, call us back if he drives off". Eventually he does and I call back to the answer of "thanks for that". It literally took the guy 20 minutes to get on his feet and all the while abusing the hell out of me and the car that had stopped to offer him a ride home. Their parting line was along the lines of "Fuck you then, go kill yourself".

    And this year mate has called the cops because they have a gang house virtually identical to the one that has just been shut down, street brawls, vandalism, terrorising the neighbourhood for a year type stuff.

    They get called and told about the brawl in the street involving weapons of various description.... and don't bother showing up.

    They are probably too busy with check points or something or other but surely great punchups which often result in death and serious injury in NZ and get dragegd through the news for a week are worthy of a bit of attention.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    One of the reasons why Auckland doesn't have great public transport is because people don't actually NEED great public transport (I'm speaking in general terms not individual cases).

    If we did it might actually start to appear.

    There are some areas that get pretty bad congestion in the mornings and afternoons but buses aren't going to get anybody along these routes any faster aside from the odd bus lane. But then again once you factor in walking to the bus stop, waiting for the bus then walking to wherever you are going at the other end and the extra cost of the bus (tickets tending to be significantly more than the fuel costs for an average car) then it's not putting you any better off. The proof is in the fact that people are sitting in their cars and not on the buses.

    In Seoul the public transport options are awesome. Subway stations EVERYWHERE, buses EVERYWHERE going EVERYWHERE, taxis EVERYWHERE and it's all cheap as hell. But the roads are still clogged up all over the place. London was the same. I can remember going about one kilometre in an hour on a few occasions in the wrong times of the day. I also remember seeing a doco on TV about traffic in Singapore several years ago. It took a businessman in his own limo about 4 hours to get to work and often it would be so late he'd just turn around and head home, all the while working from his car.

    On the bike issue, China is an interesting case. Bikes everywhere when I was in Beijing in 2000. In fact the first thing I saw when the plane landed was people cycling down a road near the runway. Bikes, bikes and more bikes. And now what are they doing the second they get enough cash? Buying flamin cars.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Banner Evening,

    When I was in Korea there were blog sites that posted the footage of the Korean who was beheaded in Iraq.

    The Korean governments reaction was to block all acess to for a period of about a week or so and maybe other blog sites though i can't recall well.

    So frustrating and so typical of the ridiculous reactionary errr.... reactions of the powers that be.

    All censorship does is creates a bigger hole down the line for you to fall into because more people start shovelling your grave.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Spoonfuls of sugar,

    Well, I lived in South Korea for 4 years and was taxed between 7 and 10 percent and you can stick living there up your you know what.

    There's a reason why people pay taxes. For the common good. Less taxes equals less money going into health care, or education (both probably already under funded by most estimates), less money into roading and transport infrastructure (and we see that we are going to get more taken off us by other means for these two in parts of NZ), less money for social welfare (which sees sod all people actually needing it at the moment, wait till we have increasing unemployment under the upcoming National government), less money for conservation (when we need it more than ever), and less money for damn near everything else you can think of.

    I'd like to see Key outline exactly where they will spend less. He'll talk crap about surpluses (which would soon disappear... then what?) and he'd go on about cutting bureucracy (which is fine and dandy) but as a percentage of the total amount of tax spending would be miniscule.

    .... and then labour walk back in at the next election as it all starts to fall apart for the empty party.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    You'd agree that Joe Karam is more interesting than your average NZ sportsman though?

    I think you and I are more interesting than your average professional sportsman in NZ.

    Glenora! What a disgrace. Our enemies. He should have signed for the mighty Te Atatu Roosters.

    Glenora did produce Dean Lonergan though. Where would boxing be without him?!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    I challenge anyone (who "grew up" in the 80s to say they have not viewed a minute's worth of beastiality video ("Animal Farm"?) not for gratification but for curiosity's sake... That does not equate to enjoyment.

    And that would be the film that I think a generation of classmates at my high school watched.

    I always felt like the odd one out for not actually watching it.

    Maybe because I lived on a farm.

    And I now ban myself from this thread...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    That just means there were a hell of a lot of petty sadists in the teaching profession getting away with common assault.

    That was how I viewed homework when I was at school and why I don't give any out nowadays.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Can they definately confirm that it was bestiality and not zoophilia?

    God god, what the hell am I saying?!

    Can we please have a discussion on sport, gardening or whats happening on the Sopranos?!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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