Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Claims,

    At high school I remember many male classmates talking about having seen video's of bestiality. It was just passed off as something amusing.

    I'm sure not every high school had the same things being discussed/watched but then again I'd be fascinated to know how many people HAVE seen something over the past two to three decades in a video at home, at someones place or on the internet that was dodgy.

    At times I think people get a bit moralistic and then hang on a minute, that's right, at that party in 1991 at my mates house someone etc etc, stripper/prostitute, lap dance, All Black dressing room at Eden park, 1999 etc etc.

    I'd be way more concerned if it was child porn, or somebody in the house was getting the shit beaten out of them, or people were driving home from the fundraiser boozed than if some dork puts on a video of a weirdo and the local fauna.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Tri Series League - Blue collar telly,

    I hope Peter's brother Iva isn't illiterate.

    He's the principal at Penrose High School

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The People's Choice,

    I like the idea more in terms of emphasising that political blogs aren't all there is to the medium. There are various good little business and specialist blogs that would benefit from the exposure. And you'd be surprised how many blogs there actually are.

    I think bloggingtitreal has the "West Auckland/Rugby league/University Educated Team blog" category pretty much sewn up. That is unless there is anybody else in that category in which case they will walk away with it.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The People's Choice,

    People would be interested to know what Karam shared privately with my uncle as to who he thought killed the family and why sometime around the trial.

    But I ain't going there. I just thought I'd annoy you all.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Parties, seriousness and the…,

    After I saw my father on the Metro society pages a few years back I realised that we really are screwed ... as a society.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Are you gonna liberate us…,


    I actually read the original blog, thought it was quite interesting, then saw the bit about white boys and thought that's a bit of a cheap shot but spent 60 seconds to get over it because what was surrounding it was thought provoking enough, and then actually posted (3rd) something that I thought was ON TOPIC! Well at least as good as a white boy could do on the issue.

    I'm off to get a sex change and a new pair of shoes.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Are you gonna liberate us…,

    Really interesting blog there.

    Can I pretend to be female for a moment?

    I'm trying to think why all the forums I use/go to are male dominated. Some it's possibly more obvious such as it being a sport forum, or was populated by males rather swiftly from the get go. Dunno.

    But just looking at the girls at high school and the female teachers I work with (and I am surrounded by female teachers) there is far more interest in socialising amongst people they know. It's hard keeping hand phones in bags in the class room for all the texting to each other. Guys don't do it anywhere near as much. Whilst my teacher colleagues would rather chat with each other and socialise with each other. Those are just my observations which is about all I have to go on. My mother and sisters would never dream of wasting their time on the internet arguing with people. They would much rather do it to my face! My wife uses the internet a lot but it's all to put photos on her blog site and chat with her friends in Korea through msn messenger or through their respective blog sites which are all blocked to anybody but those on their 'guestlists'. And my daughter can't talk yet let alone type. But I'll keep you all posted on whether or not I can turn her into an internet militant in the coming years.

    I guess there are two main reasons for not joining in the blogosphere/forums that I can think of. One is not being interested in the topics on offer, the other is not feeling welcome. But even then I can think of certain forums over the years that even I've been driven out of because of the wankerish behaviour on the part of males.

    And I'm back being a male now!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Island Life: Green Acres,

    <strike>fast cars and fast women</strike>

    Same as George Best. He claims to have wasted the rest.

    What was that fantastic story about George Best with the hooker? and pile of money on a bedroom he was in and the question "where did it all go wrong?".

    I think I kind of just said it there...roughly.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Island Life: One sleep to go,

    Oh yeah, and a teaching friend had a year 9 or 10 student the other day who was adament that rabbits DO lay eggs as do dogs. I swear I'm not lying.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Island Life: One sleep to go,

    Hey, I teach teenagers (sixth form) who don't know what a continent is, think Africa is a country, wonder how come maps aren't blurry because the earth is spinning so fast that it must make the earth blurry for when they are drawn, wonder what is on the back of the world map (as though there is a whole part of the world we don't know about), have no idea whatsoever of how we have day and night, that the earth orbits the sun, and wonder where the moon goes during the day. These are common things not just the odd student and it's a mid decile school.

    I could tell some of them that we are building a bridge to the US, or a flying fox from Mt Cook to Christchurch and they would believe me.

    It's all in WHO is telling them the story and HOW STRAIGHT you can keep your face.

    And those preachers on TV can keep pretty straight faces.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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