Posts by Yamis

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  • Island Life: Green Acres,

    Sheesh does anybody here own a house?

    I do. 30 years old, married, baby. bought 3 years ago for 205,000 in a mediocre west Auckland suburb.. Now worth over 300,000. My mortgage repayments are about what we would be paying in rent for the same house. The only extra costs are rates and the odd bit of maintenance.

    So lets see, 95,000 plus minus about 8 thousand in rates and thinsg need a fixin equals 87,000.

    87,000 divided by 3 years equals 29,000 dollars earnt a year thus far.

    I'm not quite sure where I could have invested a few thousand dollars a year of disposable income to earn a few thousand percent on it a year.

    The arse is not going to fall out of the housing market. At worst it will stall for a bit. Our population isn't falling and demand isn't going to disappear anymore than people are going to stop watching TV, or stop wearing clothes in public.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: They faked those moon…,

    You can toss the re-militarization of Japan into that list of yours issue causing a great deal unrest here in Asia, far more so than Sino military expenditure or loopy old Kim.

    Hum... Well at least Japan has a constitution and a functional democracy (both imposed under an American-lead occupation, in one of those delightful yet uncomfortable ironies history will keep dumping in your lap), which makes me a damn sight more comfortable with what's going down in Tokyo than anything in Pyongyang or Beijing. Still, it's a safe assumption I'd take a slightly different position if New Zealand has ever been invaded by Jaoan.

    I'd be a lot more worried about North Korea (or Korea as a whole rather) AFTER the eventual reunification.

    Then the funny business might start.

    The Koreans have an interesting view of the world. Half inferiority complex, half we are the greatest race on earth. An interesting combination it makes. In fact it loosely sums up their neighbours as well. And ain't none of em' get along for shit.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awful in more than one way,

    It all seems rather too similar to the Nuclear Arms Race.

    They've got a gun so I'll get me a gun. Now he's got a bigger gun that's easier to use, so I'll get me one too. Oh and another one for the missus just in case. And then as soon as juniors old enough to load, point and shoot we'll hook him up too, and his sis. Cos' god knows everybody else their age will be in line as well. And gran in the rest home ought to arm herself to the teeth because she sure as hell isn't strong enough to fight anybody off.

    Better to blow somebodies brains out or get mine blown out than getting beaten up and robbed.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awful in more than one way,

    "The only thing we have to fear..... is fear itself"

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awful in more than one way,

    OK, so apparently there are 30,000 deaths as the result of guns in the United States every year.

    That works out at 82 per day.

    Can anybody get any details on the 164 gun deaths that must have occured in the US since the V tech massacre?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: No Friends of Science,

    ummmmm.... how can 6 billion little farting rats drinking, eating and consuming and putting around in smelly gas drinking tin pots NOT have an effect on a relatively small planet.... um hellooooo denial dorks!

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Good,

    Don't know if this has already been mentioned but has /will anybody asked Campbell Smith if he has ever dubbed a tape, burnt a cd or downloaded music from the internet without paying via kazaa, edonkey or whoever?

    And if so will he be going back and checking out who it was and how he can get them the money he reckons he must owe them.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Stories: Best Party Ever,

    My tenth birthday party.

    I got some transformers and one of my friends cried out of jealousy.

    My twenty-first birthday party.

    I got transformed by booze and puked my guts out of my bedroom window.

    My upcoming thrity-first birthday I'll just be happy with transformers again thanks.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Only rock 'n' roll,

    Have to bring this thread back up after the Chili Peppers soldout both concerts in about 20 minutes. 24,000 tickets?

    What do people reckon they could have sold if the venue was big enough? 50,000?? 80,000???

    I have a lot of kids at school who were desperate to go but have struggled like hell to get tickets.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Mt Roskill Will Take Over…,

    I've noticed since moving back from Korea that several of the 'asian' restaurants that we have been to in Auckland are owned and operated by Koreans. Not quite sure how authentic they are. I'm not picky enough to bother finding out though. Tastes all good.

    Try finding decent 'western' food in Korea though. It's western food to suit Koreans. Coleslaw drowned in mayonaise and tomato sauce. The Korean restaurants in Auckland are all good (ones I've been to anyway) because the majority of their customers are Koreans either living in Auckland or passing through on package tours.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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