Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Field Theory: Four Years Ago,

    Good god.....I got as far as the handling errors. France was better........Hmmmm....we haven't been that good lately at holding onto the ball......woe woe woe. Ashes...sackclothe...I had better get it out of the cupboard..... Find some new willow to thrash meself with....

    :-) :-) :-) But I will still be building a lounge grandstand with the couches for the semis and final but.

    Please stop writing Haydn.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everybody's News,


    Just in case there are more truthers out there who think NASA did not go to the moon. Here is some good evidence that they did get there and hit those two golfballs!!

    Footprints from the Lunar Reconnaissance orbiter. But then, NASA would doctor some tracks in the sand wouldn't they.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Up Front: One,

    A composting toilet might be useful for time travel if you use it as a worm hole......

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everybody's News,

    Here goes Ian: They were steel framed with steel beams from the outside to the inner core. Lots of concrete in the flooring as well. When a few 100 tonnes of fuel explode inside open plan offices a fair bit of wind is created. You saw the flames shooting out after the explosions. This wind took away the asbestos fire prtotection from the steel beams. I mena blew it off. Taking that protection off meant that quite low temperatures are now required to soften it. It softens, some beam/ flooring falls off/breaks off their perches and fall to the next floor. This happens over a couple of floors and within a short time, begins to transfer enormous loads to beams and floors below that cannot sustain them. Once that first bunch falls with an amount of momentum behind it (above it really) it crashes onto the next floor. Once started a pattern begins. One floor pancaking onto the next, squashing the air within each floor and jetting it out sideways creating the neat puffs (pseudo explosions) that precede each floors collapse.

    (Edit: Did you notice these little puffs DID NOT occur above the floors where the plane hit? How did the building "know" where it was going to be hit?)

    Incredibly, although some may find it amazingly coincidental, the construction of the building was such that if it DID start to collapse, the outside steel contained the collapse practically (nearly) within the confines of the footprint. Yes, they did break off once the floors shot past but even at ground level the sides did their job remarkably well as there were quite a few still standing.

    Have you ever seen concrete collapse literally into dust? You have on a minor scale in February just down the road from you. If you have mixed concrete you will recall there is not much to it. A few buckets of sand (small), a shovel full of cement (really really small) and some gravel (smallish). To expect a ton (or lots of tones) of concrete to survive hundreds of feet of fall and not shatter into billions of dust particles is being a wee bit naive.

    The potential energy from tonnes and tonnes of concrete dropping from hundreds of feet is enormous. If it all stops at the bottom enormous amounts of kinetic energy of the falling bits is converted into enormous amounts of heat. Temperatures rise, fires start.

    There is no doubt a shit load of this rubble collapsed into and onto building 7. Fires just set the collapse off. Again, sustained heat does a shit load of damage.

    The CTV building smouldering for days gives a small hint. But I doubt there was sufficient energy conversion to start fires but I may be mistaken.

    No. IMHO, there is no doubt it was an outside job. Well planned, executed and more than fulfilled the designers hopes and dreams.

    I am just sad that some folk decided to do it. But if you feel you are a patriot to your homeland that had been "invaded and/or influenced" (Saudi Arabia) by another (USA) then no bounds to your actions need necessarily be applied.

    What the idiotic yanks did after that was even more appalling. Completely and totally alienating themselves throughout the world.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Other People's Wars,

    A song...

    Masters of War. Pearl Jams version....

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Sock-Puppeting Big Tobacco to…,

    I did get the impression he was focusing on land property rights. You know, those ones that say I can do what I like with my piece of dirt. Dig it up, sell the topsoil and sell it back to me when I buy one of their sections, shit in the streams so that downstream has the problem not me, grow tress, cut them down and watch the dirt get washed off the steep land. But I made my buck whats the problem??

    But wait Don said that farmers "can use the land they own without the stifling interference of plans, planners, and bureaucracy, subject only of course to a respect for the property of others."

    Phew...thats OK then.

    Property rights are the basis of any modern society. Ownership of a piece of land puts upon the owner both the freedom to use it for new and better purposes, and the responsibility to bear the losses of using it badly.

    Yeah right. Farm goes broke, company goes broke...oh dear..."bear the losses of using it badly?" Joke 1. Like these growers good guys who left a legacy of the most contaminated DDT site in NZ.

    Dioxin around the country including timber treatment plants, landfills, paper making, 245T manufacture.

    And don't forget our use of this incredible "endless supply" of superphosphate that has left an island nation destitute. All for the benefit of a few years of farm production...runoff into streams....clogged rivers and stinking lakes.

    Yup. I do think that ACT is on the right track. They should all be bearing the losses......and oh...paying the cleanup bill???? Joke 2.

    We are all going to die. Our use and plunder of "our" land stops on that date. What is left is for our children and their children. I think someone needs to derail this guy and make sure our future citizens have some worthwhile land to use properly.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Complaint and culture,

    For Megan. Yup I am on holiday :-). I have to say that the first night at the Stratford Mountain House was very pleasant. Still crunchy snow down the paths as well.

    I don’t have particularly strong feelings around childbirth and/or breastfeeding, not being a parent. What I do have really strong feelings about is womens’ bodily autonomy.

    I am. And if you do become a parent, you will. I have absolutely no problems with women's bodily autonomy. They can do what they wish. But I think a partner has the right, nay a responsibility, to ensure she is able to do what she wants. If that means my advocating loudly to ensure this then I shouldn't hesitate.

    One day away and four pages of comment later......Jeez Wayne. I am pleased/glad/thankful there are some who saw past my one brutal paragraph.

    Watched Media7 last night.

    Good to see Don getting the support. It sounds like the BSA will nail him with another fine when - not if - he complains again. So. How about we set up a list of willing people and get him to write the complaint but we put our names to it. If the list is long enough then the BSA cannot fine each of us as it will be our first complaint. :-)

    I recall a programme (forerunner to Media7?) years ago - can't think of his name - who got stuck into the media each week. Maybe TV could have a quiet time prog along the same lines with the misfact, the complaint, the correction along with a bit more history to the story. Peter's idea of tagging these to the "On Demand Like" areas of the TV's websites is commendable as well.

    Looking forward to night two on the mountain.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Complaint and culture,

    Oh timely timely shit...... Like Mama Bears, Nursing Mothers Defend Babies With a Vengeance

    Just checked out

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Complaint and culture,

    Mammal !!!

    Why didn't I use that word !!!!

    PS: Hols $%^)@ delayed......hospitals.....

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Complaint and culture,

    Craig. My Mum likes me and doesn't think I treat my family or friends as idiots or monsters. As I mentioned I too have had life experiences that I wouldn't wish on anybody so I think I can still have an opinion.

    and multiple miscarriages in one case


    Manslashing or whatever the phrase was included. It is never meant to be. I have found you have to be very careful with your language here because of the between the lines reading.

    I've been flamed and it is hot here at the moment. I have not called women cows either.

    I have a vet acquaintance whose partner was having difficulty breastfeeding and lactating. They were at their wits end until he realised he could put his vet skills and experience to use, Problem solved within hours.

    I was pointing out that there is not much difference in _physiology_ between cattle and humans. Male or female. (Otherwise the biology I have learnt has been a waste of time.) If that fact was accepted people might like to consider some of the crazy things we do when we try and believe that we are some kind of "higher" animal. As far as I can tell, we exhibit all the good and bad of the animal kingdom but we are (or should be, according to some) capable of thinking about our actions and consequences. How we try to do the best for our kids is included. be off on holiday for a few days....great.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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