Posts by Yamis

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  • Yellow Peril: The gift that keeps on giving,

    Well that solves what I'm getting my wife for Christmas!

    Now to find a box large enough.... muhahaha

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: A little patch of turf,

    Apparently a second male has been arrested.

    The plot sickens?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • New Herald site,

    Just as well. You'd be confronted with Coddington's effort on global warming. She waxes lyrical about a book she hasn't even read.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • If you've ever been involved in a…,

    Lets face it though, Auckland must have the least number of people spread over the largest 'urban' area in the world.

    I can get a bus into the city from a few hundred metres from my house about every 30 mins in peak hour and every 60 minutes outside that. And I live in Massey. The crap things about trasnsport are that there is no real range of destinations. Buses take you to the local shopping area and to the central city and that's about it. Clearly there isn't likely to be a demand for anywhere else.

    The other crap things are the cost. For the casual user it is about the cost of running a car to get the bus. It's about 8 bucks gas into the city and back from my house but costs me over 10 dollars to get a return bus trip. But the buses are already subsidised to get it at that price. Obviously not enough demand.

    Third thing that is crap is the buses don't run late enough. Obviously not enough demand there either.

    Distance and low demand are stuffing public transport in Auckland. The only way to fight it is to subsidise it to the point where it becomes more attractive to more people so that it stands a chance of building up passenger numbers so then more services can be put on in terms of destinations and frequency.

    Light rail would be cool too down the motorways but that just isn't being laid down on the table. It's been talked about for well over a decade but I'm assuming the cost benefit analysis isn't stacking up at the moment. More infill housing and apartments please.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Southerly: The End of Lake Ellesmere?,

    I heard they were draining Lake Ellesmere to turn it into a 400,000 seat stadium to be opened in time for the 2045 Rugby Leagunion World Cup.

    Bottled water will be imported from Antarctica and be available at stadium temperature for 27 dollars a litre and cows will mow the pitch while robots will ref the matches from outer space via satellites.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: the identity game,

    here = hear. I'm not too drunk just yet.

    We also murdered a Bob Marley song into lyrics which make me cringe a bit now.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: the identity game,

    So we are still left with needing a label for the white, English-speaking New Zealander ethnic group. Take your pick: New Zealand European/Pakeha/something else.

    How about "white New Zealander" or "New Zealander who happens to be white" ?

    The US has categories "Black" and "White".

    On the songs you all must have sung "My grandfathers Clock" and changed the lyrics to something similar to
    "clock", along with the soldier song about 'balls', hanging low, do they wobble to and fro?', etc etc.

    We also sang Country Road by J. Denver and managed to change them there words too. Makes me wonder what the point of singing was when we just took the opportunity to be obscene. Can't tell me the teachers couldn't here 50% of the students swearing during the songs. Guess which 50% it was ;)

    Ah, those were the days.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: the identity game,

    If NZer does become an ethnicity I'd hope that it would be an inclusive one that is not just shorthand for white and english speaking.

    That's what I hope, and the way it can become that is if we are a welcoming country, with diverse people, diverse interests and are proud of our country. Having negative attitudes and loading labels with failry negative connotations and labelling the people who choose them negatively won't help. I am lucky enough to teach at one of the most multicultural schools in the world and it seems to operate just fine. Lets all hold hands and sing we are the world.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • New Herald site,

    BTW, the Herald folks admired the quality of our discussions here ...

    Well thanks to "here" I've stopped ruddy blogging!!!

    It is nice though being able to have non agressive discussions with people you don't know.

    The Herald site reminds me a little bit of the sydney morning herald site (which is telling me England have bowled Aussie out for 244).

    I like the layout and volume of articles in the sport section. Clicking on league after following the sport link leads me quite nicely to more than enough reading...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • New Herald site,

    Looks nicer. Like the headlines going across the page as well rather than down.

    I think.

    Call me back in a week.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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