Posts by Yamis

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  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    Have started getting people pushing their blogs/websites in our comments at, that's, or you can just follow the link at Hard News links on the right hand side where it says "bloggingitreal" which will send you to

    They all go along the lines of "Congratulations on an awesome website. Really enjoy reading it. Keep up the good work. Check out our website at "". One dude the other day wants us to link to his site and in turn he will link to ours. Yeah mate, if we all operate like that every website will have 4000 links on the front page and say nothing... actually ....

    Yamis at

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Itinerary packed, bags not…,

    Felt the middle one but not the first and third.

    We have a "pole" house and I thought somebody was trying to break in underneath by wrenching on the door to a downstair room. That, or the digging I'd been doing round the base had gone a bit further than I'd intended!

    Seriously though, 80% of my students at school (about 100) didn't even feel any of the three.

    If the city does get levelled though where the hell is the government going to collect tax from?! The rest of the country is too poor to pay any.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    Can't complain about a pants round your ankle spanking of the Aussies.

    They've played over 600 ODIs before losing by 10 wickets.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth,

    I have read over the years that this is the plan, and has been the plan for a long time, but I am not sure where it is or what is holding it up.

    That would be some of this ...

    Not sure when the heck they will get the extension on the north western to the newly 'completed' Upper Harbour bridge even started let alone finished.

    Gonna be great once they put in 20,000 new houses out towards the end of the extension and not add any lanes to the motorway, or put in any light rail, park and ride or anything else. They won't even bother with stormwater or any other infrastructure either. This is the 'eco-city' remember. "eco" stands for economy class. It'll take people living out there 2 flamin hours to go 15k's down the motorway in peak hour no doubt.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chew before swallowing,

    Is it just me or is there a stack MORE junk food being pedalled in the last couple of decades than ever before?

    Kids, like it or not, don't know everything. That includes about how to eat decent food and what it all does to your body. You learn it, you don't just know it. So any helping hand they can get to learn that information is good. And any helping hand to stay away from it would also be good. No?

    We would do well not to stick shit food in their face in supermarkets, dairies, homes, and schools. Look in a fridge in a lunchbar, or behind the counter of anywhere that sells drinks. The bottles of fruit juice and water aren't usually at face height, dominating the fridge. Take a look at a "coke machine". They haven't been called that for nothing. They don't get swathed in advertising for the finest mineral water.

    We don't need to ban junk food, but banning it in certain places seems like a pretty mild thing to do. No smoking in bars for adults, no fizzy drinks and bags of chips at school. Trust me, sh*t arse food has a rather dogs balls flow on effect into classroom behaviour which is a major pain in the rear for the teacher and gives their classmates a bloody headache.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chew before swallowing,

    Oh one other observation from school.

    I don't recall seeing a single piece of fruit being eaten by anybody in my form class in the whole of last year aside from the odd mandarin (because they liked throwing the peels at each others heads). They were Year 9 (third form).

    We are doomed. Fruit will become something from the old days that grand parents talk about once eating ;)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chew before swallowing,

    Those darn kids.

    Coming to school hungry ............. and obese.

    I teach secondary school students at a decile 6 school but in reality its more like 4-5 (thanks to the wealthier families in the area sending their kids elsewhere) and we have many kids who are decile 1, 2, and 3. I haven't as yet come across any kids who are really going hungry. You can kinda tell. They would be the ones looking dizzy, lethargic and unable to concentrate. Oh , hang on, that describes every teenager in New Zealand. If I ever see kids like that the first question I ask them is if they ate breakfast, morning tea, lunch, have they drunk some water etc. The answer is invariably yes. They either eat at home, on the way to school, scab off their mates or else buy from the tuck shop. And many of the girls don't eat (much) because of those damn skinny models at New York fashion week.

    I suggest carpet bombing New York.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    The most damaging (to his own team) one day hundred of all time? ;)

    106 off 149 deliveries. Factor in the 15 wides and it meant that the other batsmen had to score 150 off 151 deliveries. If a guy who has his eye in and is steady at the crease can't get anywhere near a figure like that then prey tell how he expected the rest of the guys to get the runs.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: Are we getting our class back?,

    Yes, it would be more interesting if there was more time spent by these parties discussing how those families can get muesli bars in THEIR OWN CUPBOARDS than at their local school.

    They can hardly talk about people giving up and becoming lazy or dependant on the state and then turning round and coming up with schemes which are potentially going to cause some individuals to think (got my cynical hat on here) "gee, now that the school is buying my kids lunch I can buy an extra lotto ticket, or start smoking again".

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: The thing you can't stand on.,

    How about that jeffy james one but with blue instead of the red in the bottom half. It's a bit too bright for my eyes. It's got the style, blue would add the sexy. The stars can stay red to symbolise the communist revolution about to happen when I can be bothered putting some pants on.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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