Posts by Steve Parks

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  • Field Theory: Things that go bump in the…,

    Damn… came real late to this topic as was traveling at the time. I've noticed it thanks to a link by Haydn on a 'current' thread. Oh well, couple of points anyway...

    About ten years ago, there was apparently an obsessively faithful mini-series of The Shining, with King closely involved. The fact that we all remember specific moments of the Kubrick and none of us seem to have seen the other speaks volumes.

    Yep. Stephen King wrote the script adaptation himself and executive produced. I think it was pretty lame. I started watching it, but lost interest.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    Mark Harris - you really believe that justice, as delivered through our current court system, is IMPARTIAL???

    I think the issue is making it more or less closer to an ideal of impartiality. A victim's family veto on parole would be a move towards less.

    and that is where whanau/victims/other 'offended parties' (we can skid this stuff under the heading of utu) *must* be considered.

    Other offended parties views should be considered, yes. That's a bit different from being able to totally block parole.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    My tongue was in my cheek when I said I believed in utu - under the law

    Oops, I completely missed that. That does it, I'm getting a beer.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    Maybe this is why it's understandable to call Michael Laws a Chunt.

    cough *word of the year* cough

    Fine with me, but I've just noticed that Leg Break used it earlier than I did, on a comment on one of the sites Damian was referring to in the original post. I thought of it completely independently, but LB got in first, on 13 April.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    I'll try again... but roughly how would that (utu) work now though, in such a case as with Kurariki?

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    Okay, but roughly how would that now though, in such a case as with Kurariki?

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    You'll never find such a word. Not in all the worlds.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    That Editing the Herald piece was pretty funny, Tom. My favourites:


    " Sasha Siale (Queensland): Oh dear,here goes another issue risen which will not stop the crime in the worlds! Eskimoes are one of my favourite childhood lollies must I say.
    I feel insulted just for being told to name it something else. Not very good!

    Sasha's criteria for whether or not an issue is worth discussing: Will it stop the crime in the worlds? If not, she'll be offended that you wasted her valuable crime-solving time by bringing it up.

    Block of Cheese (Auckland): Hmmmmm this is an interesting one. It doesn't really bother me because I don't eat them. [...]

    Thank you for your valuable contribution, 'Block of Cheese'. I don't know you, so it doesn't bother me if a husky Uzbek attaches electrodes to your testicles and administers a hearty shock.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    I don't disagree with King's views there, except that it still seems to me that plenty of cultures (maybe all) are "indigenous" by that criteria.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

  • Hard News: It would be polite to ask,

    Wanganui mayor Michael Laws, who was holding a referendum to decide the most preferred name for his town, said the geographic board's decision was "crazy" and culturally biased.

    "Where else could you go in the world and the locals have actually two different names for everywhere?"

    Gee, Michael, I don't know. Wales, perhaps? Or Ireland? Or, you know, any number of places where two or more different groups of people speaking different languages have historically occupied the same ground? Like, you know, New Zealand?

    But no, it is clearly impossible in the whole history of language for any object to have two simultaneous names. There are no synonyms! There can be only one!

    Maybe this is why it's understandable to call Michael Laws a Chunt.

    Wellington • Since May 2007 • 1165 posts Report

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