Posts by Sam F

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  • Southerly: Dear Dr Bollard,

    Precisely, Ian. :)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    Sorry to make you feel left out, p.

    Again using the web, it looks like the "pre-existing antibodies" would be CD8 T-cells, which slow HIV illness down but don't quite stop it. HIV itself seems to have a lot of variants, as you'd expect from a mutating virus, all of which seem to come down to either HIV-1 or HIV-2 varieties.

    So where are those papers you were promising, and what do you think causes AIDS if HIV doesn't? I'm going to make an effort to assume good faith here, for what it's worth.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Island Life: Symptoms persist,

    Heh, a little. It'd be way cooler if you could fasten your own bike into it and pedal across as per usual, though.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    I was thinking more "It gives the baby to the queens, or it will get the hose again."

    Golden opportunity! Sorry to display my ignorance, but where does that phrase come from? Been hearing variants of it everywhere lately.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Southerly: Dear Dr Bollard,

    Part of the reason this thread doesn't seem alien to me is the number of stories I've heard from Dad (former ED radiologist, now a cardiac imaging specialist) about the surprisingly handyman-like tools routinely used in operating rooms... hip op, eh? Now, a bit of drilling there, and where was that mallet again?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,


    That is a forceful imperative. Fnaar fnaar.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Super 135,

    The Tauranga Reefers, encapsulating the broken halfpipe dreams and herbal consulations of Mt Maunganui's would-be surfers.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    Please excuse another Herald-related diversion: Brrr!

    What's Autumn? Heck it's cold. Nothing like diving into the deep-end. Winter's really set in. Our coldest months are normally June+July so we did get an early start this year.
    BTW: Makes you think about this Global Warming thing too . Or doesn't it?

    With sea ice in the Antartic having been increasing at the rate of 100,000sq km per decade since 1970, it's not surprising we are starting to see earlier and colder winters...but you won't have read about it or seen it on TV News or other main stream media in NZ. Why?

    Leighton Smith would be the one exception.

    Global warming at its finest. If it gets any warmer, we will all freeze to death. If you can't confuse them with science, baffle them with bull ship. People will believe anything they want to believe, whether it is right or wrong. The end of the world is neigh.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Island Life: Symptoms persist,

    Let's get ambitious. Can we rig some sort of self-powered gondolier system, where you strap your bike into a safety cage with linked rollers under the back wheel and pedal yourself along below the bridge? Great fun in a strong breeze...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Island Life: Symptoms persist,

    and the guy from the council with the video camera filming anyone who strays into the green, whilst parking his council car in the middle of it ;-)

    Ah, that's what those guys are always doing on Albert Street with the cameras! I wondered why the council never mailed me my riding clips.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

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