Posts by Sam F
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Just a quick query on TV news: is there a reason why TV1 has gone for big, Fox-esque shock and awe headlines on its 6pm news? You get these big aggro fonts blaring "BATTLE OF THE BRIDGE" or "BOY RACER CRACKDOWN". Is this an indicator of where TVNZ news is headed?
The first time I saw it, I thought it was for chocolate or something European. I laughed out loud when I saw the gates.
I can't for the life of me think why they chose to highlight dead early-morning streets sparsely populated with caricatured butchers and greengrocers, rather than the city in full bloom of activity and life as it can be at its best.
The soft-focus European look has verged over into cliche even in advertising for things European here (Moccona etc), so seeing it being deployed to promote Auckland's CBD is just sublimely ridiculous.
Last week in an email McDonald reminded staff of "who your employer is, their decision and your conditions of conduct as an employee of the NZTA just in case you have the slightest thought about taking part in any protest involving the harbour bridge and breaking the law. Please just quietly erase that thought."
How would they spin it? National managed to convince people that electrickery would get cheaper through their machinations with ElectriCorp.
"ECNZ might be very efficient in practice, but unfortunately it doesn't work in theory"
Large numbers of 'weekend warriors' were there, who, for all intents and purposes, are solid middle class professional blokes and blokettes who work in the City (how else to afford that $5000 bike?)
I joked at the protest that we were probably surrounded by two cycleways' worth of hardware, which got a general chuckle from the surrounding roadies.
James - nice. I'd ride those tunnels.
And that was just page 1! Of 38. :(
Well, not just page one. I yanked out the most batshit quotes from the first eight pages - the rest predate the bridge walk, as the Herald just bumped an old YV thread (can we call them that?).
My little digest is biased towards the nutbars - if you go to the site you can actually winkle out a few golden kernels of sanity from the mass of crap. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
Yes, I know it's pointless and predictable, but I can't resist, so here goes.
This bunch of selfish,arrogant no brainers need to be taught a lesson by the police who should review all film, media and motorway closed circuit tv and prosecute those shown to be breaking the law.
I am on crutches and to avoid walking the dangerous footpaths in Devonport, I should walk on the road, taking as long as possible, holding up traffic and expect not to be given an offence notice. A precedent has been set if there are no prosecutions, allowing anybody to walk or cycle on the motorways / roads and ignore warning signs to the contrary situated at the on ramps.
My British Blue cat has more brain power than all of the protesters combined; this cat knows that the road is for cars and keeps to the footpath. By the way, When the harbour tunnel is designed please incorporate a lane for cyclists and peds, these users will appreciate the fumes, noise and risk of being "collected" while not being subjected to the rain and wind on the harbour bridge.
Prior to yesterday my opinion of cyclists was .5 of 50, now it has gone to -45. A little throat clearing thru my open passenger window while passing one of these no-brainers will indicate my contempt of their antics. On y'r bikes!
Perhaps a $1000 fine for every person who walked or cycled the bridge would be a good start to raising the money for their presious walkway? and then maybe a toll booth? nothing better than putting your money where your mouth is.
Given that the GetAacross spokesman Bevan Woodward has now said that unless they get "their way" there will be bigger and more disruptive protests, their true colours have emerged.
Their actions smack of nothing more than childish petulance and it's time that they all received a reality check. The protester actions at the weekend were illegal and they should be treated as such, with arrests and prosecutions. But the worst propaganda was the suggestion that "up to two thousand" took part in this illegal activity - any look at the news and camera footage will confirm that this was a gross exaggeration, but of course, Woodward proves that he won't let any facts get in the way of his own political agenda.
Here we go again. Let us all teach our children to break Laws. Something everyone should remember is the there has to be laws we might not like them but we must abide by them. No wonder we have such a problem in New Zealand.
There will be suicides, people who jump off the bridge, people who lay infront of cars, people like Maori who want to climb in protest to be on TV, a heart attack victim on his bike who needs an Ambulance Traffic. Disruptions we dont need.
Stop wasting public money because fools think it a good idea.
The exisitng lanes are narrow enough now.
These greenie protesters who are willing to put their children's lives at risk for this cause should front with the cash for this porject. As a motorist I am already paying too much for roading.By the way is the Chrildren's commissioner going to look at the use of children as protest shields? Maybe the parents of these children should be interviewed by CYPS to see if they are fit parents? There maybe more than just one issue here?
It is unbelievable they these people were not arrested. What is wrong with our police?
Where were the "rentacrowd" when Labour was elected? It seems every time a National government is elected we suddenly see an increase of "civil action". To what end? Surely the death of one protester one of our most busy stretches of highway will be too high a price. Go back to your communes, or better still, get a job.
Good times.