Posts by Sam F

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  • Speaker: Economics of the Waterview Tunnel,

    The Herald graphic indicates that the motorway will take up the entire designated rail corridor. If they ever put rail through they'll have to acquire those houses on the eastern edge to do it.

    Ontrack is out of luck, it would seem.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    I'm sure the voters of Mount Albert will be relieved that Lee isn't racist, just willing to deploy nasty stereotypes of South Aucklanders in general to justify a generally hated infrastructure project. Close shave!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    They're putting the RTA through urgency? Have I heard you right?

    I'd quite like to know what's actually in that. Pity.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Speaker: Economics of the Waterview Tunnel,

    Classy post, Mr Arbury.

    Looking at the map there's a section of "future rail" marked in going south from Avondale, with the motorway right beside it to the west.

    Is the rail corridor wide enough to accommodate both? If not, which one is going to have to have land acquired for it? The motorway, to preserve the rail corridor? Or the rail corridor, to be built to the side sometime in the far future after the motorway has pinched all the designated land?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Island Life: Effective Immediately,

    I feel sorry for Goldstein because he's stuck wearing the same style of spectacles. Those giant round '90s-style specs are so out-of-date now, but I'm sure it would cause too much of a ruckus for ASB's customers for them to update them.

    Were they ever meant to be considered stylish? Smart banking execs would have got laser correction by now, which will hopefully pay off for them when trying to spot new listings in the job pages.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Speaker: Economics of the Waterview Tunnel,

    Haha, whoops - correct linkage for those who can bear it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Speaker: Economics of the Waterview Tunnel,

    Stay classy, YourViewers.

    Against my core beliefs, I have to agree with the Greens. It is idiotic to spend so much money on a run down eyesore of a state housing suburb. We need to bulldoze over it now and build a proper road on the surface so all motorists can enjoy the fresh air and the open space. We are a car based society, and all of us rely on automotive transportation to live. The roads must be built and a few state houses and some tiny parks and a swampy creek are insignificant in the path of the greater good. Besides, who knows, in then years there might not be any more Greens to object.

    Roads are meant to be on the surface. Bulldozing over a few hundred houses and a tiny creek for the common good of the third of the country, is far better than getting to our noses in debt to build a tunnel for a few protesters looking after their own petty interests. Think how many new warships can we buy for a billion dollars, to protect our waters from those nasty foreign fishermen. We can probably by a whole new air force for the price of one tunnel that can go above ground for the fraction of the cost. And, to be fair, waterview will look far better as a motorway interchange than a suburb.

    The tunnel is a fantastic idea saving the environment, the sports fields and the creek. The majority of homes are the bludgers in HNZ homes so at least they don't lose their hard earned home. Do feel sorry for those who own their homes but this is minimal.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Hard News: Modern Lolz,

    Alan: ta! Bookmarked that one.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Speaker: Economics of the Waterview Tunnel,

    I doubt Joyce is feeling any kind of concern.

    The pic appearing with the Herald story is a window onto his inner torment.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

  • Island Life: Dairy dairy me.,

    I'm so shallow I'm still celebrating cracking
    Wordsworth in the Listener this week,
    a box of birds ya might say ....

    For some reason lost in 3pm muzziness I thought this was an oblique way of saying you got some poetry published. Which would be worth a shot although you're very well appreciated here regardless...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 1611 posts Report

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