Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Southerly: A Tsunami False Alarm at 2.00…,

    I have found the page that you should have looked for on the net Jen and David.

    Why didn't you check that first???? Tut tut tut. (BTW, it took me 30 minutes to find it!!)

    "Sirens will sound for an extended period (IN EXCESS OF 5 MINUTES). Brigade members will patrol with loud speakers to issue instructions. Listen to your RADIO/TV for updates."

    But....I must report that since lunch (now 45 minutes) I have tried to find if there is an official Tsunami siren alert. result......I still do not know. I found the link to Cooks Beach quote above on the Waikato Local Authority website.

    David is right. What IS the difference between fires, Tsunamis and any other siren alert???

    I am emailing (to CD) the pattern of my search around the CD website that I used to try and find it. 64 page documents entitled " Tsunami Advisory and Warning Plan" are not conducive to quick and useful searching while The Wave is approaching.....

    Edit: I did notice the loud wailing sirens and instructions on the Japanese videos. Loud, informative and long!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: A Tsunami False Alarm at 2.00…,

    I know the loop precisely! There is only one route into and out of Cooks Beach and you didn't find it! Obviously an April Fooler turned one of the signs around.....?

    At least there is a bit of a dune along most of the beach. Vis a vis Papamoa where early developments bulldozed the 10m high ones down....for the view of it arriving??? For later ones, the council insisted the dunes were kept.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Up Front: Where You From?, in reply to Jacqui Dunn,

    And did he?

    Spoken like a true cantabrian.....

    Can you imagine me remembering that with being bollocked from all directions??? I don't know but I DO remember Canterbury lost....

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Up Front: Where You From?,

    I was born in Islington. We moved north 51(!!!) years ago. It took aeons to not feel a Cantabrian. One rugby match in 1960 returns. Canterbury v Auckland. An Auck was taking a conversion. Just at the point of the kick I screamed - as loud as a 9 year old could scream - "MISS". Well. Did I know that wasn't from Auckland after that! Clipped ear, absolutely shamed. My father disowned me even though a true Cantabrian worse than me too! What could I do? I thought all Cantabs didn't want Auckland to win! I was doing my bit.

    Yesterday my youngest had to get a new Birth Certificate. To "enhance" the security of receipt the Behind the Counter Girl asked her where her father was born. "Timaru? Pukekohe? Christchurch?" Sadly she did not know.

    But she and her sisters "know" where home is. It is Pinehaven in the house their father built. I wonder now how long before they too shift their personal "home". It took me yonks to "leave" Pukekohe.

    It's all about roots. Some let them grow deep, others skim along the surface and others sit in the V twixt branch and trunk getting a sore arse!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Japan moves,

    xkcd has this radiation dose chart which might be useful.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Arie,

    Or is five weeks enough to allow the hue and cry to die down a bit and let the "Plice do their job" as the Minister says they should?

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Everything has changed until 2014,

    but you can’t shine a shit (as they say here).

    Yes you can actually.

    Ah so!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Everything has changed until 2014,

    @Craig. It is only after reading your post this morning I noticed my accidental play. No offense intended, I think "diversion" should have been the word.

    Re Cunliffes' speech. Nice dig at the issues. But what about the $4m for fixing the grass of Lancaster Park, Jade Stadium.. er.. AMI Stadium? And it won't even be played on until next year. That should keep a bit of cash in the NZRFU accounts unti the RWC handout turns up.

    But for English to go ack and take away the tax cuts would be the ultimate dead rat. Instant 10 to 20% gone from the Nats vote.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Everything has changed until 2014,

    John to Bill. "It's getting rather hot around here. Got anything stashed away to cool it down?"

    Bill to John: "Why yes Prime Minister"


    Nothing like a little media deviation.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Japan moves,

    Here is a good example of radiation dose by numbers; Yonks ago, some silly bugger discovered XRays. Then someone noticed that if a certain salt was put in the Xray it glowed. The Fluoroscope was invented. Then an even silly bugger developed it into a device to check the fit of shoes. The silly buggers were heros at the time BTW. They had no idea what slow death machine they had invented. It took a little while, like when Edison discovered one of his workers had developed radiation sickness and he gave up working on them.

    But the upshot was, the more shoes you checked the more you were likely to get hit with radiation sickness. It was quite the fashion to just cruise the shops to see your bones. Note they were only outlawed in GB in the 70s!!!!! Is you Mum a Pom and did she take you down to the shoe shop?

    The problem was - and still is - noone knows how much will do you in. As Bart suggests, it is totally dependent of physiology and luck. The bad type if you are shit out of it.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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