Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Southerly: One Hundred and Thirty-one…,

    Norwayed Brilliant. Wellington Wellington Wellington. All over it!!

    Upright "joy riding" is a lot better around the city. Especially when you add the basket to the front!!

    Note the near complete lack of helmets!!!!! 168 (+- 2) cyclists went past and there were 7 (+-2) with helmets in 1:54 minutes.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Political Lie,

    Spike Milligan:

    "You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, and that is just long enough to become POTUS."

    Why does that feel so.....believable......when you consider practically any political system?.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour, in reply to ,

    None of the above. Certainly not a wee fuckwit christian. Rather a large fuckwit athiest.

    Such ‘inventions of the (human) mind’ no more deserve special treatment than taniwha-

    Fully concur. Whether they are tax exempt or not. I can't see the point of invoking any spritual "being" for anything frankly.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    I wouldn't imagine you could use water as your heat transfer system, as the water needs to be below zero degrees to keep the rink frozen - typically about -5 degrees. Dunedin ice rink uses glycol as their heat transfer system.

    I should let David answer this but....

    The "water transfer" that David talks about is using the Avon River water to dump the heat in the fridge system. Because it is only 8 deg C or so in the winter, the fridge that is doing the freezing of the ice will run more efficiently the cooler you can keep the condenser side of the fridge. (The bit that is the "hot" part of the fridge)

    But a more interesting option may be to allow all those houses that will eventually reside next to the Avon or the Heathcote the use of the water to extract heat to heat their homes. This would be via Heat Pumps. Which is the exact opposite to the ice rink problem. The warmer you can keep the condenser side of the Heat Pump (the part with the fan outside) the more efficient the heat transfer. One of the anomolies of Heat Pumps is that you need the heat on the coldest days. There ain't much heat in cold air so the efficiently plunges. Utilising the immense latent and specific heat of water would make a hell of a the power bill!!

    Here is the good bit. With the Heat Pumps cooling the Avon, there may be sufficient heat extracted to freeze it!!

    Lo!! A meandering Ice Rink!!!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    Am I the only one who squirms in their seat when the notion of "beings" such as taniwha are raised to such a status that roads, bridges and whatever need to be bent to accommodate such inventions of the mind? Just sayin.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    God help us if Christchurch gets kitset houses. In another hundred years time they might become historical and then (suburban) caveats will be put on them and even earthquakes won't be able to pull them down.

    I lived in Moera (Lower Hutt) for a few years in one of these wonderful old houses. They were fascinating. The walls were able to be shuffled about with different designs and all kept within the same footprint. Some streets of them are becoming very desirable as well now.

    And then we come to the State House. Which it appears are fast becoming the new Ponsonbys. And these villas which folk so glowingly tell us about. They all look the bloody same as well.

    Oh well. Time moves one piece of shit into a desirable garden compost eventually.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: That CERA Rumour,

    Oh where shall I put this?

    WAAAYYYYY of topic but, rather humourous!! And not a party political statement from me!!!

    So, sorry David, for want of a better place.....

    All Dunne and Dusted.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The witless on the pitiless,

    Hey, takata pora sounds excellent as well, both in terms of "ship people" and "white turnips".

    Yes, a lot of Swedes came to Dannevirke.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Playing the Man,

    Off topic????? John Key on Hardtalk

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The witless on the pitiless,

    The quopte says that the lord will do the laying of his fingers on them. The problem is when folk who think they have been spoken to and take it upon themselves to do the laying of their fingers for him.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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