Posts by Just thinking

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  • Hard News: Body image and the media,

    Had one of those "is that me" moments.
    Checked out a doco being made and wanted a specific bit that has me in it (as you do).
    When they say the lens puts 10pounds on you they haven't done the metric conversion - mine looked like 30kg.
    Thankfully my inability to work my various systems means it's now just an audio copy & all is right with the world.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    Venting is good, acting on it is bad.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    Definate waves of immigration Wai Taha 11thC(?), Ngati MaMoe 16thC, Kai Tahu 17thC, Pakeha 19thC.

    There are a few New Age (pakeha) claiming a cosmic consciousness as Wai Taha a pre-maori people.

    They're not using the concept that there were no Maori before the other, the European. It is quite fanciful and at first blush a bit hippy, then they start connecting it to the Celts and I tend to leave at that point. \

    That said, there are real issues within Te Waiponamu.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    I never did British History, seeing the family name mentioned in relation to the Magna Carta gives me Tamaki like pretentions to grandure.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Southerly: Still a Scientist at Heart,

    We've got bees popping into our place at the moment. Blow flys I'm used to, the reason for the pitcher plant, and wasps sure, always fun.
    Bees make a nice change I suppose, docile and colourful.
    Sympathies for the stings though.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    I do think we have a kiwi culture, it's vital, evident in our stories, music & Art; Rugby & 4% Draught Beer.
    A culture lived in the vanacular, eh bro?

    Russell@ The Treaty was set to establish rather than extinguish any title of any sort, including European Blue Water Title that still exists today. There is no error, it was always the intent of Tiriti o Waitangi.

    The Second
    The Queen of England agrees to protect the chiefs, the subtribes and all the people of New Zealand in the unqualified exercise of their chieftainship over their lands, villages and all their treasures. But on the other hand the chiefs of the Confederation and all the chiefs will sell land to the Queen at a price agreed to by the person owning it and by the person buying it (the latter being) appointed by the Queen as her purchase agent.

    Maori translation into English.
    Article the second
    Her Majesty the Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and to the respective families and individuals thereof the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties which they may collectively or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession; but the Chiefs of the United Tribes and the individual Chiefs yield to Her Majesty the exclusive right of Preemption over such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to alienate at such prices as may be agreed upon between the respective Proprietors and persons appointed by Her Majesty to treat with them in that behalf.

    As for legislation forbiding going to court over it. That is covered in Article 3

    English version
    The Third
    For this agreed arrangement therefore concerning the government of the Queen, the Queen of England will protect all the ordinary people of New Zealand and will give them the same rights and duties of citizenship as the people of England.

    Maori translation into English
    Article the third
    In consideration thereof Her Majesty the Queen of England extends to the Natives of New Zealand Her royal protection and imparts to them all the Rights and Privileges of British Subjects.’

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Island Life: The World Is Full of Cu*ts,

    RoO, Greenpeace aren't a charitable trust in order to dodge finacial examination by the general public.

    If you're looking for a non-deist organisation that needs scutiny, you've just named it. (Is Gaia an official religion yet?)

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Island Life: The World Is Full of Cu*ts,

    RoO, I beg to differ. The King James Bible was standard issue at all State Schools, Army Recriuting offices, Law Courts. The West Coast TF office used a Collins Dictionary for years, they just took the cover off, but the intent was clear. FYI the oath is shorter than the affirmation, hence alot more swear into the NZDF.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    Yes the Greens are losing the higher ground at almost every step.

    Port Marlborough started this whole debate by their racist actions to deny local Iwi the ability to go marine farming while allowing anyone else (as long as they weren't Maori).

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Right This Time?,

    Lets remeber Kyle Chapmans last known residence is stated in the media as Paeroa. I'm not surprised such a nuanced response as a declaration of ownership has come from an Iwi located there.

    To legislate is to repeat the same problem, but differently. Let it go to the courts, as is every Pakeha & foriegn asset owners right.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

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