Posts by Sam F
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When is someone going to shoot the criminal so Napier and New Zealand can get back to life?
Surely if it was that easy they would have done it by now? Or you could always book a flight back in your capacity as emergency commonsense advisor...
so far as i can see there is nothing incoherent in what i say
Unfortunately the test of effective communication isn't whether you can understand what you're on about, it's whether the rest of us are getting a worthwhile signal-to-noise ratio from your posts.
It took me a while, but I've summed up your second-to-last post as "evolution isn't pure science but a faith position, and many people who believe in evolution only do so because of herd mentality". Hope I got that right; assuming that I did, I'll just respond that precisely the same things can be said about creationism and ID, which don't have anything near the scientific consensus or even basic usefulness behind them that evolution does. Others more qualified can reply at more length if they want.
And your last post was actually kinda neat, which shows how you can retain some style in your writing when your prose inflammation subsides a bit.
*Peak. You can see why I'm not built for microblogging.
I think we may soon be approaching peek tweet.
One could say he's gone through things you don't want to even think about.
On another note, epic win from Danyl on the Herald's Napier siege coverage.
Coming from the guy who got an MA in creative writing at the institute of modern letters.
I'd say it's cognitive dissonance that supercharges Laws' attacks on anyone who publicly displays evidence of higher learning.
Most likely. I'm drawing them a bit long this morning, obviously. Just couldn't resist the pun.
There's a wealth of good material in this thread at the moment (the More Pernicious Still! Pre-shrunk! Do not tumble dry!), but let's face it: I'm just bummed I somehow missed Sam's Carly Simon joke for two days. I feel like I could have worked an apricot scarf into the conversation if I'd caught it in time. 'Regrets, I've had a few.'
I wondered whether it was just a bit too obtuse to be spotted.
But hey, it's never too late to make something of it. Apricot scarf leads us to wool which 'shrinks' and thus to us the sheeple worshiping at the pagan throne of almighty Darwin. After all, if p insists on making this thread about ludicrous nonsense and overdrawn bows, why not just go hogwild?
He does realise there's an archery range up there?
Time will Tell.