Posts by Sam F
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It's learned ignorance, bro.
I can't see who or what else would have prompted it, unless Mr p has been drawn by Russell's mention of Ian Wishart.
Is that the one in the small block of shops on the corner of Morningside and New North roads?
Yup. Used to be the Flying Rani - also known to fans of Leigh Hart's Moon TV as the set for "Naan Doctors".
On a completely different tack in the world of small business, I'd like to mourn the passing of India Village restaurant in Morningside. They've always been fairly quiet, as being over the hill from Kingsland cuts out much of the cafe/rugby crowds, but made up for it with fantastic food at good prices and wonderful service into the bargain.
They're due to close their doors sometime this week, and will focus on a foodcourt store on K Road before hopefully reopening another restaurant somewhere in Central Auckland later in the year. Won't be the same as the charming local store though, and now I get a twinge of regret for not going more often. They'll be back with luck.
Perhaps it was as simple as this: Simon was out following routine campaigning with Melissa Lee, and it would have been a thoroughly average story were it not for David Baird's outrageous statements which were just too astonishing to be anything but the main angle.
Alan didn't happen to have a polaroid of Mary-Sue did he?
Perhaps wearing some trashy lingery he'd bought her?
Those are all despicable fakes and don't you dare besmirch Pauline any further, she's been through enough this year.
Sorry, just busy trying to work out at exactly which pharmacy I won't be spending any of my personal health budget at any point in the future. Until David moves on and Titus (awesome choice of name!) is running the joint.
I had hoped you'd drifted off to another carcass
Don't know about Sacha, but speaking as a copyright thread hyena myself, you've come back and poked this so often I've pretty much lost my appetite. All yours as far as I'm concerned.
That's pretty much unbeatable as far as I can tell.
Is that the 'PANG!' of a kernels hitting the saucepan lid on the stove? 'Cause that's what I was getting. Superb.
Apropos of nothing much, so excuse the diversion: Editing the Herald falls foul of its subject.