Posts by Ian Dalziel

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  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    Pippa was covering up by saying it's a joke, but if his mind turns that way it indicates and underlying selfishness and self-centreness.
    Selfish, vain, silly and vile.

    I hear that the weather bloke also insulted some poor kid - who had said he hadn't had a shower since Friday
    and the weather guy makes a joke about the smell - real class stuff...

    I've so far successfully ignored Bob 'This is Not My Life' Parker.

    some people here are getting worried about Bob's orchestration of this opportunity that has landed in his lap:
    - Why is the mayor grandstanding with National party politicians? Why are our local constituency MPs being excluded from the Mayor's photo opps?

    - Why are councillors being excluded from decision-making and providing assistance? (Councillor Yani Johansen was told by the Mayor to phone 941 8999 if he has any issues - unbelieveable...)

    - Why is our Mayor getting kudos. He is just the frontman for the real work being done by our valiant city employees.

    - Why is the state of emergency extended? The concentration of power in the Mayor is unnecessary. Is this a George Bush-type exaggeration of crisis for political gain?

    Bob is playing the hero martyr card a little to often - he needs to share the load...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    ...first the EQ and now Gerry Brownlee.

    And not a mine in sight!!!!
    He REALLY sounded keen on on the job on RNZ this morning.

    uncharitably, one might say he was mining a disaster...

    HAHA Its some crap bands fault! So some believe.

    Feelers - Antennae - Aha! it's the HAARP solo in Right Here, Right Now ...

    The Bog Watch
    Canterbury Earthquake is now mentioning how to make a bog.

    for peat's sake - Christchurch was originally a bog - that's the problem.

    Better get on with the day, luckily the rain wasn't too heavy overnight though that 5.4 rolling jolt at 3.24am wasn't much fun...

    be careful out there folks...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: Little pieces of a big picture,

    and still they come...
    another 5.2 at 11.24 and
    one since that rolled for a while
    think I'll go to bed...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Busytown: The shakes,

    The Liquefactionist Jig is up...
    Well Bob Parker has been pushing for a more vibrant inner city...

    ...we got off very lightly, in our part of Richmond/Shirley, all things considered, an early morning start, a tossed book salad, a slight garnishing of smashed ornaments, a see through chimney and one twisted off its base, finally finished taking the last of them down at 6pm tonight, I'm stuffed...
    Not having any Number 8 wire, I lashed the really bad chimney up with network cable until I could break it down, any port in a storm eh?

    initially I didn't realise the phone system was still working cos we have the Portable phones that need power for the bases, finally I dug out an old-school phone that I could just plug straight into the telecom jack socket...

    we had power back on by 10am Saturday, though I had by then managed to extricate the BBQ from the garage and make cups of tea and crumpets for my partner Sally, my sister and the elderly neighbour next door, and checked up on my mum, her house was unscathed... then it's just been boiling water, digging toilets, and not getting in the way...

    tried to get on the web today but WOOSH was down, they sent a text saying we could get details off how to connect by dial up from their website, or from the email they'd sent us - very helpful (and there was an 0800 number too )

    On Sunday Sally had to be part of a police escorted group into the Press in the cordoned off Square to get a paper out for today, they had to take their own water (are Fairfax tight or what?)

    I know a coupla people who will probably lose everything to do with their businesses, in buildings deemed too unsafe to even go in and get basics out before they are demolished - man that's harsh, I feel like a fraud having a Clayton's disaster...

    I haven't gone very far from home, and seem to be sleeping through the night shocks, and I didn't notice any of the ones when I was up on the roof either (luckily I guess)...

    thanks for your concern though folks, and good to hear everyone else is safe - a thing like this does sharpen your focus and cut through to what is essential and what's just stuff...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: Warning: contains pieces of Apple,

    Maidenhead revisited...

    a chance to road test this bad boy...

    It kind of looks like a motherboard, doesn't it?

    yeah, and it's got all those network ports in the back there, what I'm not seeing is the pylon line heading in, or the substation, ya don't think its running on batteries do ya?
    and did North Carolina do a deal on the power like Comalco did here?
    well they did do tax incentives
    Sleepy ol' Startown Road, Maiden, NC won't be the same...
    500,000 square feet, 50 full time employees
    - why that's 10,000 sq feet each!

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    albino albedo... walk around the city at night in winter with someone white tied over their mouths.

    would that be Johnny (or Edgar) Winter ?

    or just Johnny Walker?

    Leg bone connected to the butt bone...

    Hopefully they take up jogging and they
    go away quicker.

    This exercising restraint link is dedicated to
    Peter Ashby, who I still feel was unfairly
    castigated and cast out...
    many people come to this forum with a spectra of axes to grind, agendas and enthusiasms - hell, some people will twist any old topic, serious or otherwise, just to make a cheap pun... </mea culpa>
    personally I thought a better (and more diplomatic) solution to his well-intentioned (but occasionally badly-timed) interlocutions would've been
    to ask him to write a guest post on personal
    fitness and wellbeing...
    just sayin', not that it's my place...

    if yer out there Peter, long may you run...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Karma Chameleon...

    ...the main character's job is to edit old films to remove/replace props (ie alcohol or tobacco) or people depending on the latest court case.
    I wonder if this is where they got the idea from?

    Stalin, Hitler and Mao would have been early mentors...
    ...or Woody Allen in Zelig

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Viscous wit...

    Phlegm, My Lovely

    The humour is strong in this one...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: No Smoke,

    Stout Hibernian stock...

    also the image of David Tennant in red velvet is going to linger behind my eyelids for a while

    Tennant's Red Velvet now there's a Boutique Beer just waiting to happen...

    ya can't hold a candle to Chandler...

    The Big Sleep.
    Favourite movie of all time, quite possibly.
    Dr Haywood ensured my undying devotion
    by giving me a copy of the book.

    You're gonna love The Lung Goodbye
    and The Little Cyster then...

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

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