Capture by A photoblog


Laneway 2012

by Jackson Perry

Too soon?

Having just recovered from the Big Day Out, a group of us ventured to Laneway on Monday, in the third venue in as many years, Wynyard Quarter.  Much has been said about the queues, the heat, and there was certainly an apparent lack of access to sunblock, but I went for the bands.  And, from where I was standing, they were brilliant.

I'll be back.  Few shade clothes and trees would be good next time.  In case no one mentioned it.


The Robots Are Here!

by Martin Horspool


In the first guest post of 2012, we welcome Martin Horspool to Capture.

Robot Road Trip

Robot builder and photographer Martin Horspool has placed some of his favourite robots amongst photos that he has taken from around New Zealand. The result is an amusing blend of retro charm and classic Kiwiana.

He enjoys getting amongst interesting groups of people, usually near old motorbikes or cars, looking for photo opportunities.

He has published a book of these which can be previewed here.

Robot Road Trip.

You can visit his website here


Big Day Over and Out.

by © Jackson Perry

Thanks Big Day Out

I wasn't planning to go to this year's BDO, until it was announced this would be the last.  Some suggested I was being sucked in, but who cares, I was there, and it was... pretty good.

There'll be plenty of post mortems elsewhere, so this is just a few captures from the day, in the hope others will dig up their photographic memories of this or previous BDOs to share.

Capture away.


Cats Love Cameras

by Robyn Gallagher

There's something about cats and cameras. As we well know, the internet is full of funny cat videos and photos. It's as if our feline friends are even more at home in front of a camera than a teen Tumblr blogger is.

I don't have a cat of my own, but when I'm out and about I like photographing the cats I come across. I reckon it's even easier to photograph strange cats. Unlike your own kitty, strange cats know you're not going to feed them so they don't try their passive-aggressive "Oh, poor starving me!" routine.

Some cats will instantly pose for you, but others will need to determine if you're a good sort before they do anything. If you stick out a finger and they gleefully rub their face against it, you're in. If they run away into a nearby bush, well, it's best you just be on your way.

These are a selection of some of my favourite cats that I've photographed around Auckland and Wellington.

And, of course, we want to see your favourite cat photos, whether it's the kitties in your neighbourhood, or your own special cat.


Roamin' Holiday

by Jackson Perry

Hit the road Jack, but please send postcards.

Nov 22, when we first launched Capture, seems a distant memory.  We had hopes.  They have been well and truly exceeded.  I won't harp on about it, but the biggest part of it has been the reader/viewer response and engagement.  Thank you all, times heaps.

We will be out and about over the next week or so, and wanted to leave a place for you to send your festive and holiday captures.

As it's the season for giving, we will also have prizes for contributors who hit a special note with either a capture, capture inspired comment, or something unexpected between now and our next blog post.

Wishing you all the very best and seasoned greetings for the days ahead.

Capture away...