Capture by A photoblog


See Into the Trees

by Jackson Perry & Nora Leggs

Come closer and see
See into the trees*

We waited, patiently, for winter to arrive, thinking how mild it was, and wondering what everyone south of Hamilton would say about the flanellette sheets coming out before it even got into single figures.

Winter coming seems less certain than it once was up here, and if we have more than two weeks between the balmy late autumn jonquils flowering on the drive, and the first lambs at Ambury park, we will be asking questions.

Welcome to Auckland. We don't do cold.

One of my favourite sights in winter is the ever changing trees around the city. Once the leaves have all shaken loose, they cut the sky into greys or blues, all filigree and shadow.

How are the trees in your neck of the... woods?

Capture away.

*The Cure - A Forest