Access: Help a kid have a heavy blanket
4 Responses
Deep touch-light touch resonates with me. Light stroking often drives me into fits of twitching or ticklishness. I have to work to remember that other people often like it. Some others just can't adapt, ever, and conclude that I just don't like being touched... different people are different, people :)
Also, donated and noted agreement with Russell that there's no shame in asking people to cover more of her costs. Time and effort are costs...
Our 9 year old ASD daughter loves making a “nest” with her duvet when she goes to bed. It’s not heavy, but she has a unique way of cocooning herself in it, which obviously gives her comfort, and she gathers it up around her rather than having it spread evenly across the bed. Maybe it’s related to her love of birds (her favourite toy is a stuffed kiwi, and between her and her brother she pretty much owns the complete catalogue of the “Antics” NZ birds), such as in the picture above which she created at Totaranui Beach earlier this year from beach litter she found, without even having to think about it (definitely a visual kid).
We’ve recently purchased her a swing (it’s in the mail, hasn’t arrived yet) which is like a big cocoon, and apparently achieves the same kind of thing (can’t remember what they’re called or where we got it from to post the link). When she saw it she loved the idea, so we’re looking forward to seeing if it helps.
A simple and elegant solution. Nicola is a gem.
What a terrific idea. And kudos to Nicola.
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