Capture: The Capture Pinhole Photography Workshop 2013
25 Responses
What’s your favourite part of a dark room process? I use to love toning and washing final prints :)
Sophie G, in reply to
favourite part of a dark room process?
Good question! Probably developing, watching the image appear. Other than that there is something about time, it seems to disappear in the darkroom in quite a nice way : )
Oooh, jealous – I wish this was in Wellington! I taught a class of 10-12-year-olds to make pin-hole cameras and develop the pictures years ago. It was great fun! Would love to re-learn it.
Sophie G, in reply to
I wish this was in Wellington!
Cheap flights? A flying visit to the Minnie Street darkroom? : )
Ray Gilbert, in reply to
I spent many years developing and printing my transmission electron microscope micrographs at work. For me it was the step before publication when we would try a large number of subtle differences in paper grade and exposure time for each shot put the results upon a large board and spend ages looking for the perfect result.
One thing all that technical photography did do though was to slightly ruin my ability to appreciate artistic photography. Our pictures were all about crisp lines and high contrast – usually grade 3.5 to 5. No subtle grey fades allowed.
Sophie G, in reply to
We will be bound to hit new heights in shades of grey and soft blurred edges in this workshop! Having said that, the best part of the workshop itself is seeing what each participant ‘explores’ through the tiny eye of their pringles can.
I’ve posted a link in the D-Photo forum -
Thanks for that Jos : )
Nora Leggs, in reply to
Jonathan Ganley, in reply to
The Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day website now lists two workshops happening in New Zealand on April 28th – our Capture event in Auckland, and the Photospace Gallery WPHD workshop in Wellington. More details for Wellingtonians about the Photospace workshop here.
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
inverse, reverse, perverse…
like the one above
I see what you did there…
You put the louvre in the picture!
- is that Modern Postism? -
Nora Leggs, in reply to
You put the louvre in the picture!
barcodes, louvres, got to rhyme somewhere with oeuvre?
Roll up, roll up. Let your curiosity and latent creativity overcome your shyness or indecision! Take the opportunity to slow down time a little….. no instant gratification, but the satisfaction of producing photographs with a camera that you made yourself.
Going back to technical basics, it’s also an opportunity to really think about the effect of light and shadow on your final image.
We still have places left for the pinhole workshop on Sunday 28th April….. if you haven’t had a look already, here are some of the final images from last year’s workshop. -
We have a number of people keen to come to the workshop, we still have spaces for a few more and would love to have as many as possible to make the day more interesting. There’s nothing quite like seeing what others are up to to get the ideas flowing.
The picture above is not a pinhole picture, but it is black and white taken with film and printed on photographic paper. It’s just a reminder of what the process is about…. thinking in black and white and shades of grey, thinking about light and dark and how that is going to make (or break) your picture. So different from looking at a shiny colourful screen and snapping away.
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
chem mickle ‘n’ a muckle…
…what the process is about
is there a direct to CCD array version?
y’know, sorta pin cushy…
or direct to card punch
for the Steam Pinhole aficionados -
Jonathan Ganley, in reply to
is there a direct to CCD array version?
y’know, sorta pin cushy…
Jos has done really well with a home made device for his DSLR, see his replies in last year’s thread.
Steam Pinhole aficionados
That’s us.
Ah I did too, nice to see those shots again, thank you Jonathan.
Can I rip apart an old digital camera and experiment with my own pinhole?
The insane thing is, the real miniature CCDs use pinholes rather than lenses!!!!!!
How bizarre…..
or is the smell, fluid and magic the key to the whole nine yards for this show?
JacksonP, in reply to
Can I rip apart an old digital camera and experiment with my own pinhole?
or is the smell, fluid and magic the key to the whole nine yards for this show?Well, we are rather into fluid dynamics on the day,
but if you want to introduce an old camera to wrack and ruin,
we won’t stand in the way.Hey!
Almost full house
Thanks everyone who expressed interest in coming along to the workshop on Sunday.
We have just one place still available, if you are keen, send us through an email.
Who knows, maybe we’ll need to start a waiting list!
It’s done!! It was a great (and frenetic) day. Everyone seemed to have a good time even in the face of frustrating fluctuations of light and together everyone churned out a good number of pictures. There’s quite a lot of collating and scanning to be done before Jackson can get a post up.
Well done team!
Huuuuge thanks to Sophie, Jonathan and Petra for the amazing efforts today, and Minnie Street Studio and Jocelyn Carlin for the wonderful workshop space.
We will (probably) fly again!
Great work, guys. You’re making Auckland awesome.
Woooo, looking forward to a fat juicy thread of photos of amazingness!
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