Capture: Upside Down, Inside Out
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Good one Jackson! Now we really can say it’s winter, looking forward to seeing some of the southerly snow pictures : )
Hebe, in reply to
Cool; it’s more filthy and wet now here too. MetService reckons more snow flurries tonight and a sustained burst from early tomorrow morning till about midday on the flat in town.
JacksonP, in reply to
Lilith __, in reply to
Sorry, someone had to do it…..
Winter theme tune…. where only the name is really related to this thread
Someone was listening to this before posting the blog. But the one I watched had MJ in it. ;-)
Lilith __, in reply to
This one’s got plenty of rightside-up, upside down, sunny-side-up etc, etc,
(not especially SFW) -
Your Upside Down has a lot more Ooomph than that one I picked Jackson, but Lilith, something has happened with the sound on yours!
Lilith __, in reply to
Lilith, something has happened to the sound on yours
Sound works for me…but it’s more about the visuals. :-)
Nora Leggs, in reply to
Nora Leggs, in reply to
inverse, reverse and perverse…
I have been reflecting on this theme…
and next time I have my wet weather gear on
I shall ‘aim me pond’-ward thru time & space…
(if you have Aibohphobia stop reading, now!)
for a picture worth a thousand words
or should that be: In word salad, alas, drown I
;- ) -
JacksonP, in reply to
The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, firing the Timelord Gun.
I shall ‘aim me pond’-ward thru time & space…
We should really stop Doctorin’ the Tardis. :-)
Some photos from Tekapo posted to Weibo. Interesting reflecty one in the middle, too.
Leigh Russell, in reply to
Hi Nora and Jackson, thank you, those videos are wonderfully cheery on the bleak winters day we have here. I love Diana Ross’s bouncy big hair!
Oh and Lillith, (laughter) tears rolled down my cheeks! How do people think of these things!
Here’s a reflective one of me (so to speak) – taken in more clement weather than we have at the moment. I take special interest in these sea anemones and check on them when the tides allow – which is not all that often. I’ve written more about them here They are amazing little creatures, clinging on despite extreme shifts in their circumstance and environment
Solstice – cold, dark, stormy… Got out the Christmas tree. It has looked well enough dressed in high summer, but now in mid-winter I can see it definitely needs more sparkly, twinkly stuff on it. After dark it looked a little bit better!
During these stormy days and nights I re-read “The Dark is Rising” by Susan Cooper, set in a snow storm of another solstice of many years ago – and found it just as satisfying as ever…
Lilith __, in reply to
look the spangles
that sleep all the year in a dark box
dreaming of being taken out and allowed to shine,
the balls the chains red and gold the fluffy threads,put up your little arms
and i’ll give them all to you to hold
every finger shall have its ring
and there won’t be a single place dark or unhappy[from e.e.cummings, little tree ]
We also had a rather wet day, though of a rather more positive “clean the air up and cool the temperature down to something fit for human habitation” variety, so I thought I’d try a little reflection myself, but only of the cellphone variety.
Tops of apartment blocks and trees and arse-end of a taxi, all rather muddily with a Give Way trying to get a bit of respect.
Teaching Building 2.
Strictly forbidden to climb.
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