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Re: Putting all your chips on red
Go on, then. 8-) It has a limit of $1000.
And if National lead a four-headed coalition (with Dunne, Act and the Maori Party), is that something less than a monster?
Four heads good, five heads bad?
Well, I’ve had a bottle of Bombay Saphire riding on Labour forming the next government since January last year when I made a bet with my wife’s conservative uncle.
Back then National had a healthy lead, but not enough to govern alone.
I haven’t started cutting the lime slices yet, but I do feel a G’n’T coming on…
Four heads good, five heads bad?
Heh. Given the Siamese quality of the Labour/Progressive relationship, does it even count as a head ?
I haven’t started cutting the lime slices yet, but I do feel a G’n’T coming on…
Make that a rum and coke, lots of ice, and you’re on.
I’m hedging by saying I think the Nats will squeak in. I think Maori would definitely prefer Labour but they won’t have the numbers.
This way I’m either right or happy. I’d rather be happy, of course.
For what it’s worth:
If NZ First makes the threshold or Ron Mark wins Rimutaka then it’s a 5-headed monster.
Otherwise it’s the 4-headed monster.
Four heads good, five heads bad?
Four heads goo five heads better !
(apologies to George Orwell)
So the outcome of the election depends on how smart and tactical Upper Hutt voters are.
Heh. Given the Siamese quality of the Labour/Progressive relationship, does it even count as a head ?
Maybe a bollock?
Personally I’d go down to my room of gold coins, and frolick like Scrooge McDuck.
at the casino in melbourne they had a perspex cylinder full of one million $1 coins.
jesus that mtherfkcer was big. maybe 3m high and 1.5 across?
couldn’t key have like 50 of those tubes? because just one of those cylinders tipped out in my bedroom would drown my futon, and maybe my chest of drawers.
I wonder how many voters are feeling a bit insulted at the 5-headed monster theme. I wonder how a minority party voter would respond to the contention that their vote is rubbish compared to a vote to say National. Oy! Even a NZF voter is entitled to his/her view.
“at the casino in melbourne they had a perspex cylinder full of one million $1 coins.”
I worked out that it would take 36days and nights counting continuously to get to the last coin by ones. John would feel a bit tired after counting to $50mil. -
Even a NZF voter is entitled to his/her view.
really ?
For some reason I remember that cylinder as being full of 500,000 $2 coins (which are really small in Ozi … thereby making the whole process a bit easier, and costing less in perspex tubing).
I think you’d need to be in the US to even contemplate the logistics of obtaining 200 cubic meters of coins. I recall shovelling 3 cubic metres of gravel over a flat path took me about 4 hours once. You’d be covered in money grime afterwards, and would be picking money out of your hair for days.
i had the sneaking suspicion it was only a flashy layer of coins around a hollow centre.
in other words, a bit like an actual rich person.
“So the outcome of the election depends on how smart and tactical Upper Hutt voters are.”
As an Upper Huttian, so despised by all the latte-heads of Wellington, I should be flattered –
But, no, never Ron Mark… -
…nor the apparatchik Hipkins or the fat Nat guy either. So, here I am on a forlorn double vote for the Greens…
God no! Don’t waste your money betting on Labour at ipredict when Centrebet are paying $3.40 for a Labour PM.
I got in a couple of weeks ago when they were still paying $5 – yes FIVE BUCKS!!! WTF is all that about? A bunch of Aussie punters who don’t understand that NZ has an MMP system? Or just a bunch of over-enthusiastic Kiwi Nats?
Aunty Helen FTW!
<quote>really ?</kquote>
Really. They’re even allowed to go out without the scarlet letter A (for Anus on Legs) pinned to their clothes.
at the casino in melbourne they had a perspex cylinder full of one million $1 coins.
Probably safer than putting it in the bank these days.
My picks:
Act – 2 MPs – oh what a shame for Roger.
Greens – 9 MPs
Labour – 51
Maori Party – 7 MPs, 5 on the overhang.
National – 56
NZ First – miss out, close in Tauranga, not so close in Rimutaka.
Progressive – 1 MP, on the overhang
United Future – 1 MP, on the overhang.(I think those numbers add up)
Government to be formed by Labour/Greens/Progressive/Maori, after Maori court Key but eventually muddle their way to the left after realising there’s not much for them from a National govt.
Re: Putting all your chips on red
Go on, then. 8-) It has a limit of $1000.
I’m betting something far more valuable than mere money Keith, I’m betting my credibility as a political pundit… :P
(yeah, sure…)
Umm? May be an Anus on legs to you Craig but a vote for NZF could be an out and out strategic vote for Labour which in an area like mine is being discussed quite a bit.
Conal Tuohy
From: MelbourneWhy, hello there.
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