Hard News by Russell Brown

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Hard News: Everybody’s Machiavelli

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  • BenWilson, in reply to Lisa_J,

    Banks must be thanking his lucky stars that this happened when it did, to take the attention off his alleged criminal activity.

    I don’t think it will help him. Public opinion won’t decide if he’s a criminal, a court will.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts

  • Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I’m starting to think that this could all turn out very, very badly for Cameron Slater.

    Goodo. If Bevan has the smarts I think she has, then she is probably getting legal advice. In this instance she is now the woman scorned by team Palino. Lessons all round eh.

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts

  • Sofie Bribiesca, in reply to BenWilson,

    We were watching Question time t’other day and the debate on Banks had Meteria (after being ejected from the House earlier) doing a stellar performance about him being the conflict sandwich with SkyCity Casino. Its quite good to see Nactional grasping at hairs at the moment. Riveting TV. :)

    here and there. • Since Nov 2007 • 6796 posts

  • Jim Cathcart,

    If Chuang is a geisha girl, can we call Len a sukebe ojisan (dirty old man) in jest? The Japanese seem to have no trouble taking the pis. The conspiracy theories ripping through middle NZ are far more nutty.

    Since Nov 2006 • 228 posts

  • BenWilson, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    Its quite good to see Nactional grasping at hairs at the moment.

    Ew. That’s enough “mowing the berm” jokes, young lady.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 10657 posts

  • Don Christie,

    Stone them all

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts

  • Rebecca Williams,

    I’ve looked at Cameron Whatshisname ’s nlog precisely once, and that was just now to see what had actually been written. Instead I saw an unctuous defense from some nobody about how great he is. Eww.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2007 • 120 posts

  • Islander, in reply to Rebecca Williams,

    Instead I saw an unctuous defense from some nobody about how great he is. Eww

    Probably Whaley-Baby….

    Never gone to it’s blog & never shall-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts

  • Craig Ranapia, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Hell, I’ve only seen what’s been published so far, and I’d bet my pin money on that.

    Sadly, it’s not going to turn out badly at all for his media enablers is it? It never has before…

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts

  • Yamis,

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts

  • Hebe, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I know a bit more than what has been thus far published, and I’m starting to think that this could all turn out very, very badly for Cameron Slater.

    I know very little. Tonight’s TV news interview with Cameron Slater gave me the sense that he is now wounding and repelling his own people every time he opens his mouth. Can I conjecture that his father and other National grandees will be very, very displeased with the dog’s breakfast this has become for the right?

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts

  • Islander, in reply to Hebe,

    Can I conjecture that his father and other National grandees will be very, very displeased with the dog’s breakfast this has become for the right?

    This one very sincerely hopes so!

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts

  • Hebe, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Patronising unintended. Sorry. Stating what I understand to be long-accepted journalistic practice in New Zealand. The lines have blurred into near-invisibility depending on the outlet and the author.

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts

  • Hebe, in reply to Islander,

    (I wanted to call it a Doug’s breakfast after a scary deputy chief sub I learned from. Give him a piece of crap editing and he would verry precisely rotate his chair and nail the victim to the spot in half a dozen words. Shiver.)

    Christchurch • Since May 2011 • 2899 posts

  • Phil Wallington,

    One of the small pleasures of life is the rustle of a new morning newspaper. The smell of fresh newsprint and maybe a whiff of smudgy ink makes a heady blend of aromas. Along with fresh espresso and a croissant it is definitely something to savour.

    Sadly Auckland’s morning news sheet has lost its former aromatic appeal. Emanating from the crinkled pages of late has been the aroma of an over-cooked turd, stewed for days in a greasy crock-pot.

    Scavenging in the sewers in Victorian times was a job for toshers – not for journalists.

    So enough Tosh now… Let’s get back to the business of speaking truth to power… We have a country that faces many real and pressing problems. We have a general election next year when we will need to be informed exactly who stands for what and if we can trust the power seekers to keep their promises.

    Whether they are good or even faithful between the bedsheets is probably something that need not be regurgitated all over the printed sheets : unless there is something more to the matter than a misguided affair of the loins.

    Len has been elected Mayor and will do the job… He should be let get on with it and be judged on his leadership and achievements.

    Waikawa Beach • Since Sep 2013 • 41 posts

  • nzlemming, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I know a bit more than what has been thus far published, and I’m starting to think that this could all turn out very, very badly for Cameron Slater.


    Waikanae • Since Nov 2006 • 2937 posts

  • Islander, in reply to nzlemming,

    I know a bit more than what has been thus far published, and I’m starting to think that this could all turn out very, very badly for Cameron Slater.



    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts

  • Craig Ranapia,

    Meanwhile, Matt McCarten keeps up the popular meme of false equivalence between Len Brown and John Banks. Weirdo money quote:

    Our Mayor solicited sex and concealed the relationship, and then helped his sexual benefactor get a council job without the public knowing there was a relationship with implied obligations. Brown gave his lover a work reference for a job at the Auckland Art Gallery. The Mayor’s recommendation would surely have been decisive in her successful application.

    Conversely, it seems, Banks solicited donations and concealed them so he could help his financial benefactor without the public knowing there was a relationship with implied obligations.

    Apart from Banks dropping Dotcom when he called in a favour, what’s the difference? Not much. Both used their positions of trust with dishonour.

    Our two fallen sons are self-proclaimed practising Christians. I look forward to see how they go about seeking redemption and making amends.

    Don’t know about anyone else, and YMMV, but if I was the director of the Auckland City Art Gallery I’d not only be firing off a letter to the Press Council but talking to a defamation expert. “The Mayor’s recommendation would surely have been decisive in her successful application.” There’s nothing sure about it, Matt. And I’d be damn certain both he and Councillor Cathy Casey would take an extremely dim view of a right-wing columnist insinuating he’d exploited the “implied obligations” of his relationship with his ex-partner.

    Oh, and what immediately comes to mind when you hear the word “solicit”?

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts

  • Ian Dalziel, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    perish, parish, pariah,…

    …she is now the woman scorned by team Palino.
    Lessons all round eh.

    Opera! Opera!
    this has it all,
    chic cargo cults
    white whales
    musichall chairs
    dangerous liaisons
    Italian subtitles…
    <fx: snaredrumroll >
    <sotto voce, rising>
    Welcome in,
    <fx: rimshot>
    <raise curtain>

    the rest is plain sailing…
    a self-writing floater
    once round the old buoys
    money for old rope!
    step right up…

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts

  • bmk, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    There’s nothing sure about it, Matt. And I’d be damn certain both he and Councillor Cathy Casey would take an extremely dim view of a right-wing columnist insinuating he’d exploited the “implied obligations” of his relationship with his ex-partner.

    That must be the first time Matt McCarten has been described as right-wing :) Agree with your point though.

    Since Jun 2010 • 327 posts

  • Sacha,

    Renee Liang on those damn stereotypes.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts

  • Russell Brown, in reply to Craig Ranapia,

    Oh, and what immediately comes to mind when you hear the word “solicit”?

    What a fucking dickwad word to use, is what comes to mind.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

  • Sacha,

    Herald on Sunday editorial seems pretty balanced – no one off the hook.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts

  • Craig Ranapia, in reply to Russell Brown,

    What a fucking dickwad word to use, is what comes to mind.

    I think you would have been slightly more restrained if PA Radio was still running, and I’d used that word in such a context in one of my pieces. But, yeah, who the hell is editing McCarten’s copy at the HoS?

    BTW, if Herald group editor-in-chief Tim Murphy is lurking: Dude, you really might want to remind everyone in your stable that passive-aggressive, nudge-nudge wink-wink defamation is still defamation.

    North Shore, Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 12370 posts

  • Russell Brown, in reply to Craig Ranapia,


    It’s easy to feel morally indignant about Banks’ apparent willingness to solicit donations for favours. Brown, unfortunately, has arguably committed a similar crime.

    Does McCarten know what the word “crime” means?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts

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