Hard News: Let’s do some commerce
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yes to something in the disability sector!
yes to something about disability that doesn’t include the word ‘sector’ :)
Bart Janssen, in reply to
doesn’t include the word ‘sector’ :)
or strategic?
Also … there’s still a sponsorship opening for a food blog.
This needs to happen! A food blog is like when Capture asks people to send in holiday photos – everyone gets excited and everyone has something to add. Foodie-ish sponsor, where art thou?
Russell Brown, in reply to
yes to something about disability that doesn’t include the word ‘sector’ :)
I was going to tap you, actually. Very loose theme of “disability and the internet”.
I’d like to talk with you about some more ideas too. The slowing down of Capture is not only because I’m a bit tired lately (which I am), but also cause I’d like to do more with it, and if possible, attract more contributors with some monetary incitement. :-)
We should coffee.
Russell Brown, in reply to
We should coffee.
Deal. Now that I know what else I have on for the next months (ie: not a lot) it’ll be easier for me to think about the site.
Russell: Does this mean that the media show on MTS won’t begin for a while?
Have bought banner ads before and will do again Russell in a few months time when I get funding for it .
Russell Brown, in reply to
Russell: Does this mean that the media show on MTS won’t begin for a while?
Yep. It’s all on track, but not straight away.
Sacha, in reply to
let’s talk
Sacha, in reply to
or strategic
Russell Brown, in reply to
or strategic
Going forward.
Well fuck I am being strangled by the low pay, counterproductive competitive, no original ideas please! environment that seems to have been growing for a few years now. yes I live day to day financially
someone needs to get their foot off out throats. WHAT!! think humanity needs samey sameness for evah? thinkagain… -
I’ve also been talking to a new (but familiar) blogger about joining us
Not Cam I hope.
In terms of monetizing online content I think you should be looking at some of the solutions our friends at APN and Fairfax have largely overlooked. Instead of paywalls and native advertising they should probably have started with velvet ropes and small things. (they had the opportunity, they just don’t get it)
Those terms come from some excellent articles on the topic my Mathew Ingram at GigaOm and Ken Doctor at newsonomics. I highly recommend looking up their work and/or chatting with me over coffee.
Morgan Nichol, in reply to
That’d be a hell of a plot twist.
David Hood, in reply to
I’ve clearly been overly upworthied, I can help phrasing that as a “Russell mentioned a new blogger. Who it will be will surprise you” headline
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
hold the front page…
they had the opportunity, they just don’t get it.
They just want one ‘meter/conduit’ to charge from it seems
when they could have many ‘micro trickles’ tailored to readers preferences….
as it is I don’t think that subscribers to The Press for instance get any extra digital privileges, only access to Press driven marketing and giveaways.If they added a digital premium of some sort, it could begin to wean readers off the hard copy, or get them primed to sign up for extra services if they are useful.
As I see it, the trick is to be what the punters want,
not what the management deigns to make available… -
My 2c is that a food blog would make more money than all the other blogs put together. Good food is something people love to pay for. The market is huge. It’s also something people love to talk about, so getting content would be easy.
Think about how many tourists to any location that could be covered (and there is NO reason to restrict that to NZ) would google search for somewhere to eat, read and appreciate the content, and then click on the ad taking them to one of the places, just because searching harder is a PITA for them.
This one is well overdue. If you keep talking about it, someone else is going to do it first.
For my part, I’ve stopped AdBlock running on Public Address pages. You’re welcome.
I seem to recall micropayments not being your cup of tea Russell but if you are interested it was announced yesterday that the normal fee for a Bitcoin transaction will be lowered to 1000 satoshis (around half a cent), which makes it more feasible for micropayment-style transactions. I know I would be keen to flick some your way if you set this up!
TracyMac, in reply to
Unfortunately this doesn’t much help those of us who wouldn’t touch Bitcoin with the blunt end of a rusty 100 m pole.
I like the idea of services like Gittip, but since their top earner gets @US$600, it’s not good enough to rely on paying bills with yet.
I have seen good things said about http://www.patreon.com/ as a way of patronising (in a good way) your favourite web content folks.
Would have been fantastic to see Flattr take off more so than it has. What do you think of a Universal Basic Income solving the problem? Free people up for creative works and allow any ad revenue/freelance/contract/part time work providing the cream on top?
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