Hard News: Music: Grey Lynn Taonga
22 Responses
So nice to see Delia Derbyshire getting the respect she didn’t while alive. She was an extreme perfectionist, which didn’t help, and she quit making music in 1974, not long after she left the BBC. It’s painfully sad she started making music again a few months before she died of renal failure due to chronic alcoholism in 2001.
In keeping with this week’s theme: an animated ad Chris Knox made for Real Groovy in 1984.
Russell Brown, in reply to
So nice to see Delia Derbyshire getting the respect she didn’t while alive. She was an extreme perfectionist, which didn’t help, and she quit making music in 1974, not long after she left the BBC. It’s painfully sad she started making music again a few months before she died of renal failure due to chronic alcoholism in 2001.
Indeed. And it’s a shame the hundreds of tapes retrieved after her death have gone unheard because of “copyright complications”. But there is this 25-minute documentary about her:
And a radio drama by Martyn Wade (“Blue Veils and Golden Sands”, first broadcast in 2002)
Be nice to see some photo’s of the artwork that adorned the interior of those 2 black transit vans the Enemy used to drive…..
Doug Hood, in reply to
unfortunately there aren’t any I’m aware of.
… legendary Toy Love roadie…
Legendary? – pfft!
Now Doug (above) is a Legend – he created a legacy,
(along with Chris, et al)
I just carried stuff (and drank too much)…
;- ) -
you’re a legend to me Buddy
T’ Others Way write up from Marty Duda and Sam Smith, and keep scrolling for heaps of photos of the evening by Reuben Raj.
Nearby, a Capture postful of photos by our Jackson Perry & Jonathan Ganley.
it appears the sleeve has had a previous life…..
Flying Nun reused, sorry, recycled many Cellokraft misprints and overruns for both 7” and 12” short run releases… needs must!
There are copies of The Chills ‘Rolling Moon’ single out there with a rubber stamp filling in for the black separation – as there were a large number of covers printed with just the green separation laid down, but had been diecut – why waste money and card.
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
aww shucks, thanks Doug
:- ) -
Moz, in reply to
you’re a legend to me
I still periodically shake myself and go “that’s the actual Ian Dalziel” / Doug/ whoever when you lot post here. It’s that weird feeling of “he’s just some guy on the internet” suddenly turning into “THAT GUY FROM THE LINER NOTES!!! OMG!!!”
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
There were at least three Ian Dalziel’s in Chchch – one died recently I hear, as a friend went to the funeral, and it was well underway before he realised it wasn’t me…
I assume we all thought we were ’the actual Ian Dalziel’
- I am still riddled with imposter syndrome, though.
I like the idea of some meta culture monster –
“It came from the liner notes,
a titanic and increditable terror,
– ID-2D!!”
(in 3D in some arenas)– there’s at least a Sapphire and Steel episode in it….
;- )PS ’you lot’ indeed!
PAS is all ‘we’
xx -
Moz, in reply to
I want to meet the 2D Ian Dalziel :)
I think part of it is that I have a kind of mental library of images/text featuring “you lot” made up of albums from my teens/early 20’s, and converting those into actual people is what produces the mental hiccup. “That really funny review of the Jesus and Mary Chain supporting Straitjacket Fits in Christchurch"… oh, here’s that actual guy with the slightly odd sense of humour (the JAMC were *awful*).
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
on the road…
(hope the PDF is readable) -
Moz, in reply to
Oh dear :) Thanks, I remember that style. Keep Calm and Pass the Gaffer.
FletcherB, in reply to
While my own endeavours in Roadie-ism pale into insignificance compared to yours… I believe I may need to steal your creativity create a “Don’t just sit there, Gaffer something” T shirt to share with some of the people I’ve worked with….
Joe Wylie, in reply to
on the road…
Any chance you could upload the 3-panel (from memory) strip where a roadie reveals his sensitive pet-keeping side? I liked that one a lot.
Ian Dalziel, in reply to
getting all your ducts in a row…
I believe I may need to steal your creativity create a
“Don’t just sit there, Gaffer something” T shirtPut me down for one!
and maybe you can do something with this t-shirt idea I’ve had percolating for years – “Born – Dead: File/Life loading bar’ see pic above (but better executed) – I’ll take 5% 0f profits after production
:- )
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