Posts by Dismal Soyanz

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  • Hard News: Privacy and the Public Interest,


    Closest we might get to an official two-fingered salute to Slater.

    And did he really think anyone was interested in his personal life? *gag*

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Privacy and the Public Interest, in reply to BenWilson,

    I hope you are right.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Privacy and the Public Interest, in reply to Luke Williamson,

    but I refuse to give up until Sunday 21 at the earliest.

    Giving up even then should not be an option. We may not have the government that many of us would prefer but we must still fight against this behaviour.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Privacy and the Public Interest,

    I really don't know of whom I should despair more; the MSM who are happy to play along with the cognitive dissonance to the extent of putting up headlines that dissuade voting or the large chunk of fellow citizens who just refuse to see the threat to our democracy.

    Despite the flaws in the opinion polls, the fact that National support has not flagged makes me agree with Russell that National will be in the driving seat of the next government. Given we haven't seen any statement from them that comes even close to a rejection of the underhanded behaviour detailed since the release of Dirty Politics, it's hard not to conclude that they will carry on as before.

    Rawshark's exit and frustration evident in his last few tweets is totally understandable.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to simon g,

    I wouldn't call it madness (yet). It is Slater desperately trying prevent his world from completely imploding.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Show some decency, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    I thought he left yesterday (IIRC so said NatRad news).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to Alfie,

    some on the loony right are hoping they’ve killed the messenger

    Not to mention the Ostrich Brigade.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Show some decency, in reply to izogi,

    Of course the longer it takes, the more cash we’re burning in rent so I guess it’s a trade-off.

    Of course the comparison should be rent less interest on your deposit (or whatever equity you put in at the start that is presumably in your bank now) vs mortgage + rates + maintenance. It's surprising how few people actually do the math.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Show some decency, in reply to andin,


    Pity ostracism isnt used anymore.

    But Ostrichism is alive and well...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Show some decency, in reply to Lucy Telfar Barnard,

    We have invested so much into housing, as a nation, that a lot of our household wealth is tied up in it, so there is a strong personal incentive for those who have equity tied up in their houses to want to protect it. Engineering a scenario where house prices remained stagnant on a real basis is probably much harder than bursting the bubble. It seems to me that the bubble needs to burst if only to restore some sanity. Of course, there is the argument that it is population growth that is driving housing demand but from the research I've read (including this from Motu - a bit dated now but population growth in the years since 2008 appears to have been lower than the preceding 6 years) suggests that the causality is not as strong as some would have you think.

    I've moved house a couple of times in the last decade but each time it was done on the basis that the house I bought was where I planned to live for the foreseeable future. The market value of the house was of little relevance except at the time when I had to sell (not by choice). I think therein lies a problem with the way many of us look at housing - as something to hold for some time before moving on to something bigger and better. YMMV.

    <We now return to normal programming...>

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

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