Posts by Dismal Soyanz

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  • Speaker: Election 2014: Mental Health Policies,

    Not an area that I have researched much but one that I have felt is important to us as a society. In Welly I don't often come across many homeless (and I don't automatically include the guys who sit with cardboard signs along Lambton Quay every now and then) but I do know there is a need for better services for them. I've supported the Downtown City Mission for a few years and had a few good chats with Stephanie McIntyre over the years. What I have learned is that mental health issues and addiction can easily lead into spiral which leads to homelessness and thence further health issues.

    The Labour Health policy, on the other hand, is quite detailed and health spokesperson the Hon. Annette King, who I heard speak recently, is clear that mental health is a priority for the Labour Party.

    So anyway, I went to the Wellington Central candidates meeting tonight and Grant Robertson was the only candidate to even mention mental health. I've actually seen him at some of the DCM events so it wasn't a surprise but yeah, it does seem to be a much higher priority for Labour than the other parties.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Speaker: On the upland road, in reply to izogi,

    I guess you could note that he’s dropped a bundle of money on a group which mightn’t have otherwise had it.

    Although the bundle has not dropped close enough to Georgina Beyer. Not much chance of Dotcom keeping her reined in methinks.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Speaker: On the upland road, in reply to Pharmachick,

    But IMHO details of who talks to whom over private e-mail, including the inevitable bragging about “take downs” or “gunning for” needs to be taken with a grain of salt. It sounds like a political equivalent of Rugby Club talk after a few ;-)

    If it was only private emails between private (i.e. non-government) individuals then, yes. But it wasn't. In the context of the smears on Slater's blog and the positions of the participants such as Ede and Collins, this is no longer about expressing an opinion privately.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Speaker: On the upland road, in reply to Sacha,

    I guess. Although when the writing on the page is 48 pt font and double spaced, you wonder whether they can read at all.

    Or maybe just not bothering to read.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Speaker: On the upland road, in reply to Pharmachick,

    Recycling of long since addressed and discounted arguments adds nothing to the debate. Seriously, you come across as a stooge.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought,

    Speaking of things hootin', if Hooton was not embellishing, the PM's absorbing of CERA is amusing. No need to pick up the phone to start an argument then. I feel a Monty Python sketch coming on...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought,

    Also, the timestamps are a thing – are ministers really able to stay up past midnight chatting all the time and still do their job?

    Kinda depends on how you define their "job". (Nobody told me that wasn't part of the job! I utterly refute that! Let's talk about policy...)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought,

    Also from the Herald

    Mr Key initially said he had been summoned by Inspector-General Cheryl Gwyn but his office later said several of his staff had been asked to appear, but not Mr Key himself.

    So his office but not him, but when he talks about himself does he mean himself himself or the PM's Office himself? Confused? You will be ...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Why we thought what we thought, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Wind-up sock puppets?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to simon g,

    "When thieves fall out."

    So if Odgers is Key's informant, it would appear that the email is an excuse to sack Collins. Such irony.

    It seems like Odgers had to fall on her own sword and maybe she wanted to either help Key one last time or revenge for Collin's apparent denial of their relationship.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2010 • 310 posts Report

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