Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Hard News: The Foundation for…,

    Been drilling on the HRC page.

    They come up under participants in the HRC programme of NZ Diversity Action Programme.

    Seems they cottoned on to it along with 250 other organisations. Voluntary inclusion it seems.

    Makes good media though!!!!!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Foundation for…,

    Try Cat Baby

    Longer boats are coming to win us
    They're coming to win us, they're coming to win us
    Longer boats are coming to win us
    Hold on to the shore, they'll be taking the key from the door.

    I don't want no god on my lawn
    Just a flower I can help along
    'Cause the soul of no body knows
    how a flower grows... Oh how a flower grows.

    Mary dropped her pants by the sand
    And let a parson come and take her hand
    But the soul of no body knows
    Where the parson goes, where does the parson go?

    It's got it all.
    Waka cruising around for us.
    Gerry's gonna get into your home with the key.
    New Age Flower Power.
    Priestly Sex.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Foundation for…,

    Wondering out loud if she would sneak through the SIS Momentum vetting system????

    Talking out loud. No doubt. Given what has snuck through and been aired recently.

    Fancy the HRC linking up with this thingy. Bizarre. Once might argue OUR rights have been flagrantly violated by the HRC allowing themselves to be hoodwinked by this claptrap.

    Totally socially irresponsible.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Foundation for…,

    babble babble babble fish blah blah humfrgg husnnw

    Words fail me.

    But I have found a spot where she and her ilk fit.

    The dark and the light green bits on the table. Or at least well to the right of the table. Take your pick.

    Edit: Nah. Anywhere!

    But careful my PAS firends. One must be careful who we mock. We are all of one planet. We must make room for...well...woo and idiots.

    Love the Woo Number in place of the Atomic Number!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Refugee Status,

    We've just this afternoon received a letter telling us that there's a problem with the sewer on our street, and that we're not allowed to use it. In other words: no lavatory, showers, washing, or anything else that puts water down our drains.

    Oh shit....

    Now about that grey water collection sytem you were going to set up? The Clivus Multrum?

    When I built our house (mumble) years ago I approached the council to see if I could get a clivus installed. Ha. Need to get health approval. So off I trudged to the Hutt Valley Medical Director of Health and gave him the spiel about how good they were. No dice I am afraid. They just could not get their head around it when I suggested that the "remains" from the clivus could be used to fertilise the garden and grow tomatoes in. That was the eeewww moment for them.

    The upshot was I could not put it "in" the house but I could build a seperate "septic facility" 5 m (I think) from the abode. I was not allowed a covered way to it either. But, and here is the killer, I HAD to still have a connection to the sewer line that passed my place. By law.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Refugee Status,

    Cancel the Hammer Party. Cancel the Hammer Party. Gerry might turn up!!!! And your guests might find some "nails"!

    This from Andrew Geddis:

    Again, I'm not saying Gerry Brownlie (or any other Minister) conciously intends misusing these powers. But once you give a man a hammer, suddenly everything starts to look like a nail. And so it is with Ministers and the power to remake law swiftly and decisively.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: He is Henry the Eighth, he…,

    Have just done a search for "Canterbury Earthquake Response and Recovery Act" in Google News and it has come up with about 10 hits that have anything related to it. Only 2 come up with the exact phrase.


    Edit: have also looked for "Bill" instead of "Act".
    Edit2: 4 come up with exact phrase with "bill"

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best blogger there never was,

    Warning: Conspiracy coming up......

    What are the chances that the CERRA and the dirt on Garrett are connected?

    It is so amazingly conveniently timed. It so so extraordinarily taken over all media. Rodney knew it was floating around. Was he prepared to let the Nats get away with this and allow the sacrifice of his lamb? If so, what is in it for ACT?

    Just thinking.....

    You have to admit, it is manna to the Govt.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: He is Henry the Eighth, he…,

    Did any politician vote against this bill? Any at all ?

    In a bizarre way this is not unique. One remembers the US of A HoR fully supporting the Patriot Act. The same "headlight blinded eyes" were evident after 911 from the media where noone was game enough to stand up to the idea that it is "US V the World and everyone should be for us". The idea that if you voted against the Patriot Act and here the CCRRB you are looked upon politically as traitors.

    The poor old Greens were in the same boat where if they did not vote for it, it would have been a bad look in Chch.

    It wasn't, but the media would have had a field day if they did vote against it. And it is a sad day when the only "radical" party in Parliament can't bite the bullet and make a stand on the principle.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: He is Henry the Eighth, he…,

    Maybe they could get Millenium

    My bad. Momentum Consulting!!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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