Posts by Paul Rowe

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  • Hard News: Deadly Exuberance,

    It's not quite American holiday sales, and there's no deathcount, but I've seen kind of similar consumer frenzies happen here.

    About 10 years ago I worked at the casino in Auckland while I was studying (I worked grave - midnight til 8 - and went to uni after I'd finished). There were two days the casino was required to shut: Good Friday and Xmas Day. For those of us on grave, it meant we had the Thursday Night/Friday Morning shift off, and were ready to open at midnight on Friday night.

    At midnight, there would have been around a hundred people waiting to enter the casino. When it did open, people were running to take their places at the slot machines. I've never been so disgusted at human nature in my life - that these people couldn't go 24 hours without gambling.

    It was the same when I did my time in retail. We'd always be really busy after a public holiday cos people couldn't wait to go shopping. Maybe it was more enjoyable than spending time with the in-laws, who knows?

    Thankfully nothing as terrible happened here when I was in retail. Chances are no-one will be held responsible for Jdimytai Damour's death, I feel for him & his family.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: Will they make O'Reilly sweat?,

    Dear Mark

    Please allow me to add my name to your previous correspondence, and any future correspondence on this subject.


    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Field Theory: On Averages,

    I'm with Haydn, the line chart is way more meaningful than the bar chart.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pomp and Circumstance,

    Craig, that's a pissy little comment and it does you no favours. I was going to respond in more depth, but it's not worth the effort.

    Key is more likely to be thrown down those stairs than applauded down them.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Behold the Roar of the…,

    Holy shit, Munster 16, NZ 18. Last minute try to Rokocoko steals it. Munster are our bogey team?

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: And some with a fountain pen,

    I had to hunt far back into the record pile to unearth ‘Pretty Boy Floyd’ from Guthrie’s Dustbowl Ballads.

    Also try Sweetheart of the Rodeo by The Byrds, Bob.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: And some with a fountain pen,

    That way we could say "wow, we're really in the bag now", "it's black in the bag", and when people and institutions fall over financially, they could have been 'bagged'.

    With apologies to john & Yoko, it's the new bagism.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: And some with a fountain pen,

    $10,000 post-collapse dollars* prize for best Woody Guthrie reference on PAS this year.

    I've been calling it the Collapse of Global Capitalism (CGC), but that is a bit of a mouthful.

    * equivalent to about 11 of your NZ cents

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: If you can't say something…,

    I can't believe no-one has responded to Ian's story, which is very funny and perfect for a sunny afternoon.

    I'm told there are Blue Penguins nesting at the wharf at Matiatia on Waiheke, but have yet to see them. Will keep you posted :)

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A vile curse on thee!,

    I hate the Welsh rugby team. With their Gavin "I'm fucking a pop star" Henson and his thousand shades of Beckham hair. Prick.

    But I really hate the Welsh because I was at the 1999 World Cup semi at Twickenham. I'd bought tickets from a scalper, and when I sat down, a dour old bastard asked where I got my tickets? "these seats were allocated to the Welsh Rugby Union, in't they?" I ignored him.

    Then, after the tragedy, I shook the hand of the Frenchman sat next to me and proceeded to file out with a very long face. "Oh well Boyo it's good for Northern Hemisphere rugby innit?" says old Taff behind me with a look of satisfaction on his face, which I ignored again. The fact that the leak-eating bastard had supported the French over the NZers, the only people that love rugby like the Welsh do, destroyed any feelings of warmth towards them on the rugby field. Pricks

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

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