Posts by Paul Rowe

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  • Field Theory: You play to win the game,

    I presume that the ABs, as top qualifier, were technically 'home' in Cardiff against the French last year, so had to change their tops, unless the rule has changed.

    I think they drew lots prior to the tournament to determine change strips. Of course, if the French had kept their traditional blue jerseys it wouldn't have been an issue.

    From the Herald:

    The French team sponsor Nike has revealed a new strip with a new darker navy jersey, which is a departure from the traditional light blue.

    It is a move believed to try to give the French a psychological edge as if the teams meet at the tournament - and France wins the coin toss - the All Blacks would be forced to wear their away strip which is predominantly silver, as the black would clash with the dark blue.


    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Field Theory: You play to win the game,

    From memory, in the olden days, because rugby was a gentleman's game for amateurs, the home team wore the change strip (think of the waterpolo test, and Scotland wore orange at the 1999 WC semi final).

    As for sending out the B team? meh, I thinks Epsom Girls' under 13s would give the Scots a run for their money. Declining player base, reliance on imports in the 90s and 00s, SRFU leadership that makes the NZRU gang look like tactical geniuses is killing the game up north of the border. Apparently the game wasn't sold out (neither was the 99 QF) - a result of over pricing, probably, (no jokes against tight fisted Scotsmen, please).

    Hopefully the day will come when Nonu finally has a nightmare of Lauaki proportions and is never selected again, or some cashed up Frenchman with no eye for talent entices him to Europe to indulge his eyeliner passion. That's a collection I'd contribute to.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: See Waiheke before you die.,

    Cheers Richard, nothings ever cut & dried, is it?

    even if we're saddled with the Tomb Raider again tonight!

    I've only been using the ferry for three months and I cringe every time I see it!

    but it's also a monopoly and at the moment, we simply have to take their word that the increased costs are 'unavoidable'. Plenty of people don't believe 'em...

    Quite. but like someone said above, I'm not convinced having another operator or two will make any difference.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    Oh, Paul Rowe, you were wondering about those elderly Jewish voters: the exit polls said the Jewish vote split 78:21, which is higher than for Kerry. Which is entirely expected. The Jewish vote in the US is generally Democratic, pro-choice, pro-civil rights issues.

    Wow, Stephen , long memory. :)

    My original comment was a lighthearted reference to Sarah Silverman & the Great Schlep. No disrespect or impression of false expertise intended!

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: See Waiheke before you die.,

    Impossible to get a handle on Fullers performance, cos they're part of Infratil and as a NZ-owned private company not required to file. When Infratil acquired the last bit it didn't own it published Fullers' net assets at around $25m. The Infratil Transportation segment assets are worth $250m+, so the ferries are a tiny part of the company.

    Getting people over to the island is a good thing. Having the bus service integrated with the ferry timetable is a good thing too. Half an hour on the ferry, bus to Stefano's for lunch, bus back to Oneroa for a walk on the beach, bus back to the ferry. Nice.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: See Waiheke before you die.,

    I'd be interested in how far a card carrying OAP could get in one day - the length of the country?

    Maybe someone could organise a race.

    They could be fueled by Mad Butcher saussies and McDonalds' tea.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Hard News: History is now,

    So we are lacking a word for finding solace in the misfortune of friends. Any suggestions?

    It's called being a prick.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: See Waiheke before you die.,

    You've hit the nail on the head Slarty. There's no competition so it's always a bad look when Fullers is perceived to be rorting a captive customer base.

    With regard to the subsidy, I guess you're either down with it or your not. Subsidise one form of public transport, subsidise them all. Ferries are different? Perhaps, but the ferry from half Moon Bay or Whangaparoa to the CBD is taking cars off the roads too, so why not subsidise them? Plus, I'd point out that us Islanders pay rates too.

    So I think we need to be fair to Fullers: they are trying to cope with extreme volatility, demand for more reliable boats, over capacity during the day and under-capacity during commuter hours... it's not easy.

    No, but a subsidy on the commuter fare doesn't cost Fullers anything except perhaps some admin and a duty for transparency in their costs/revenues/profits (apparently they have to make this info public if they don't already). As for over-capacity - free travel to seniors is a good idea, like letting school kids to see provincial rugby for free. They'll still buy the odd cup of tea or glass of wine.

    I'd love to see some competition: would you pay, say $450 a month for a separate commuter boat with better seats, Wifi and no school kids? Because it's not like theres much space during the peak times!

    Not so much for me, but after seven years commuting on the tube & train in London, the ferry is paradise in comparison :)

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: See Waiheke before you die.,

    Seconded Rob. All of us under 40 should be assuming there will not be a state-funded super scheme when we retire. If we don't, we're idiots.

    Excellent summary of the system, BTW.

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

  • Island Life: See Waiheke before you die.,

    Slarty, I commute to Waiheke everyday and agree with the protesters that the ferry fares are becoming an issue. The problem is not the cost, which is what it is, but that Fullers refuses to access the ARC subsidy that will help bring down the cost of ferry fairs for regular commuters. We'd get the subsidy if we were on the bus.

    As a relatively new arrival on the island I went there in full knowledge of the commuting costs, and factored it into my decision, but long term residents who commute haven't had that luxury. When costs are up 50% in the last 4-5 years that has an impact on their decision to stay on the island (which has a wonderful, diverse, community focused atmosphere, BTW).

    Don't forget the free coffee at McDs for seniors as well. bloody cheek of it :)

    Lake Roxburgh, Central Ot… • Since Nov 2006 • 574 posts Report

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