Posts by recordari
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This just went from mildly disturbing to all out inappropriate, IMnsHO.
Real. Humans. FFS. Show some restraint.
It may have been covered, so apologies if so. The PA.System and PA.Radio links at first seemed quite elusive. Now I know, I guess it's fine, but still, at least on my MacBook, you have to scroll to troll, so to speak...
Friday show tunes. Chicago. It's not what you fink.
@Damian The purple cauliflower is helpfully called ‘purple cauliflower’, according to Wiki, and contains anthocyanin, which gives it the colour. I’m learning here too, as me green fingers are the ones taking the photos, not planting the veges. I’m the one who mows too close to the strawberries, and gets into trouble.
Actually, on that note, whatever variety of strawberries we have just stays in the ground and produces more each year without replanting.
What Stephen H said. We’ve had this ‘wild rocket’, according to the authorities, growing for three years. It almost has a trunk now, and just produces masses.
These are pretty too. -
Not fashionable, I know, at times. But I’m a bit like that.
Witty statement which hath eluded me and thus was deleted.
Or something.
This thread has been jacked by mounties.
I got nothing to say about that video, other than I'm pretty happy being a Kiwi right now... -
Up Front: That's Inappropriate!, in reply to
Ain't nothing like the real thing...
I didn't know that they had surveys 2000 years ago. I thought things were just decreed.
Servius Tullius, 578-535 BC, first instituted the census in Rome. Does that count? [Sorry]
I doubt they asked anyone to lift their toga to see if their tunic was shorter than the regulatory length. Or maybe;
'Lift your supparus. and show us your subucula.'
Busytown: A Classical Education: Chapter…, in reply to
Sinine-away? [sic]