Posts by recordari
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Thanks for the recommendations. Having this somewhat possessive nature with regards to books & music, I was pleased to find Time Out had one copy in stock, which now has my name on it. Sounds to me like one of those books to own, so that siblings can read it too, at their leisure. If they can get it off me.
Looks cool. And Greeks you say?
Written by;
Apostolos Doxiadis
Christos H. Papadimitriou
Alecos Papadatos
Annie Di Donna, who is French. -
"Don't go there, because Daddy will get really, really boring".
Don't go there, because daddy got his angst on?
Also just because. Prefer the Black Light version, but this has a video.
Lovely post Jolisa. I'm a bit out of step here lately. Out of touch, out of tune, and out of time maybe also, but your posts are always somehow self-affirming and remind me of why this place can by quite special.
On the part of our three, as one of those philosophy graduates, when miss 4 (now 6) stared wistfully out the window of the car one day and proclaimed "zero is exactly the same as nothing" I thought she would be all right, although we'll wait until she's at least 8 to introduce her to Sartre and Husserl. Might see how she goes on 'Wittgenstein for Beginners' though. Graphic philosophy! Who knew?
In line with earlier musical collaborations.
Download track here, if you want it.Of course the original by Platinum Blonde was an 80s... what? yeah, something.
Do blondes really have more fun? -
The [Warner] Brothers Karamazov
Is it business time?
What, too tenuous? Somehow feels like we're being screwed, just a little bit, but also kind of willingly.
Since my decommissioning request seems to have gone unnoticed, I'll add my 2 cents.
Ms 8 asked her mum only yesterday 'why do you have dad's last name?' Mum replied 'well I thought about it, and could choose to keep my dad's name, which was his dad's name, or grannies name, which was her dad's name, or my grannies name, which was her husband's dad's name. So I decided that the only man whose name I wanted, was your dad's.' Seems Seems logical. Sort of.
My twue wove calls me, with varying degrees of possessiveness, 'my <firstname>' or for dramatic effect 'my Wesley will come for me' to which I reply 'as you wish.'
Without necessarily inviting a treatise on the benefits of trade unions in general, what, if anything, would NZ actors gain from joining MEAA, in particular?
Freedom to negotiate higher pay rates for jobs they would be less likely to get? Unenviable position, Imo.
Maybe we could look at a Karmically
based Good Service Tax system
balanced with the Gross National
Happiness index...A GoNaH tax?
(WoWC reference, apparently)