Posts by recordari
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The NZPA images I assume Islander was talking about. If they haven't been posted already.
Sacha's counting himself lucky to have flown home to Auckland last night.
The power of foresight, eh? Glad I didn't end up arriving in Christchurch only to be stuck at the airport until the next flight out. Several colleagues are still down there though, so have to see what happens.
Was due to get on a flight this morning to Chch, but first delayed, and then the conference I was heading to was cancelled due to damage in the building, so stayed home. Think Sacha may be in the place I was heading to, so hope he's doing Ok.
Yes, looking at squashed cars and collapsed buildings makes you thankful that they aren't reporting 'losses' of humanity, but still some serious injuries, and hopefully no one trapped without help.
Sure makes you take stock of what you have done in the way of preparedness for natural disasters.
All the best to anyone affected.
Jack@recordari -
Lotus Notes for the Mac, and Word 6.0.
Winamp! Amazing how software can bring the same sort of nostalgia as an old kitchen appliance. Oh, sorry, that may sound a bit patronising. I still use my old kitchen appliances, if that helps. ;-)
Is there a limit? If so, I'll make this my last, or switch to Photoshop at least.
Instigators Hope she's alright
I'm waiting for my baby
she's late, but then just maybe*
she won't be coming home tonight.
Hope she's alrightArt by Alexis Hunter.
*It's pretty hard to hear the middle bit, but I think that's right.
Ping me? No, probably not.
Seemed odd they could trademark the action of sending a network IP request*, but actually it was owned by a golf company.
Still with us Gio?
* Strangely trying to describe that process was too much for 5.40pm on a Friday. But you know what I mean.
Do the Headless Chicken
Down at The Rising Sun
Bowing to the Lord of the Smoking Mirror
And those boys who go to so much trouble
To be Rasputin's double
They look so grand behind their big car doors
With the girls who remind you of weeping soresPatrick Reynolds, maybe?
Footnote: Never thought this would be good for English language tuition, but hey, clearly that's just me.
So if you fit that category, and want to win, feel free to repost your entries. And the other thing is, the best idea, if it's awesome, could actually end up as a t-shirt, so it would help if I didn't have to put on my Sherlock Holmes hat to work them out!
Yeah, I did sort of wonder why people were being so cryptic. Just to be absolutely clear.
Where I am going you can't save me from
Nigel Brown
andDon't talk to me like I'm one of your cynical peers
Talk to me like a lover from
Seraphine PickETA: Got them back to front.
We can still claim The Veils, right?
Where I am going you can't save me
Nigel Brown.
If not then Julia Deans
Don't talk to me like I'm one of your cynical peers
Talk to me like a loverSeraphine Pick
In fact, although can only find small version, this one maybe.ETA: Would that make a suitable Great Blend t-shirt?
Which begs the question, did we need a Supercity?
Now we ask that question? Well, admittedly people have been saying that all along, but when you put it in the Australian context, it does seem like putting an awful lot of responsibility in the hands of one person. Especially in light of whom that person might be.
In unrelated news, anyone else notice that Peter Tennent in New Plymouth has been selected as one of 25 Mayors from around the world in the 'World Mayor' 2010? You can vote here, by the looks of it.
No idea what kind of Mayor he is, but hard to imagine either of the two AKL candidates making this list. Perhaps he could retire in Auckland?