Posts by recordari
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Oh, super! Man I miss my Laurie Anderson records. I wanted them, but I couldn't find them.
'Six months in a leaky boat?'
[Sorry]ETA: Are there other instances of putting itinerant consonants or vowels in acronyms to make them easier to say?
Por examplo;
This could really catch on. </sarc>
It's our simple minds you see. Oh, and them too.
Tears For Fears as "one of the best bands of the 1980s".
He's probably not alone* in that view you know, and I'm quite fond of some of the early stuff, and like Craig, don't always switch off Phil Collins (I'm wondering which ones it's Ok to like though, cause, ya know, don't want to look like a shine-head in a Gorilla suit).
Having lived through many a 'they were cool once' scenario while working at student radio, where they did once play Tears for Fears, Coldplay, Kings of Leon, Muse, to name but a few, before they tipped over some arbitrary 'too popular' line, it all gets a bit precious. While the Smiths vein is finally healing, my 80s mix also has Depeche Mode, Bronski Beat and assorted other groups which Sweetman et al would doubtless run screaming from.
* ETA: That's not my view though, because that would be The Smiths, or maybe The Cure, or even New Order. Can I have more than one 'best?'
Lol. Temuka?
I seriously considered having a first post-natal meal of Bluff oysters and a custard square.
ETA: Eww! Separate, Ok, together, that's way too much visceral texture for one meal, IMhO.
Statement: Fostr NZ does not intend to reallocate more to be one place to find address and evolve SR. FOStR NZ is the rising tide to lift all the boats of dedication working in this area, as our Kaumatua says this Waka has risen from the sea to support the Waka of New Zealand in today's world and to connect New Zealand on this very important level with today's world.
I'm still trying to work out why I started singing this damn song after reading that.
When you're weary
Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I will dry them allI'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me downIt's a beautiful thing.
Thanks, Recordari. Maps is beautiful song - even moreso when I heard the backstory
Hadn't heard, but there's this interview, and it is clearly an important song to them.
Anyway, back to NZ, seen these guys twice recently and they are fun with a capital FU.
Young Blood is a great track. Captures all the Animal Collective/MGMT vibe, but to me is fresh and damn catchy as all hell.
it's a dead duck now; some cool kids that can say "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" can win. That says Game Over.
Isn't the band he's thinking about called the 'Yeah Yeah Yeahs'? Maybe he should get a map.
I'm sticking with my Chinese name, Peng, Zhi Shi.
'Wisdom, Knowledge, Intelligence'. And humility?
Well, that was one of them, the other one was 'excite, quickly, earth female'. Eh?
The latter, methinks. They make a mean frank'n'furter. But I couldn't eat a whole one.