Posts by recordari

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  • Hard News: Long will be the lunches,

    The Dagenham Dialogues
    by Peter Cook & Dudley Moore

    Someone in my family is a big collector of anything Pete & Dud. Would appreciate a warning, if possible, and I'll try to bid for it.

    Ahh, the shorty nightie...

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: This is what we have to work with,

    Prast always seemed a very sensible and progressive bloke to me, isn't he a chance.

    No. He's delusional.

    In spite of all the free publicity he has garnered from bFM (and I think I caught him on George also?) over the past few weeks.

    No offence to those concerned, but regular guest appearances on bFM drive wasn't necessarily going to win votes and influence people. Just sayin'.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Long will be the lunches,

    The gentry have landed...

    Not only ... but also.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    It is an interesting thing though, don't you think? I mean the various markup languages used in forums and such. Wordpress has a completely different rule set, and if you want to seem all clever like, you have to <em> your italics, or there is a code plugin to use html.

    I'm not suggesting it bothers me, but you do have to do a bit of work to get into the writing style of different blogs. Maybe that's as it should be. Part of 'learning the ropes'.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Meaning well with the money…,

    Andre's expectation that others are here to help those who wont help themselves. There's more than a little of that viewpoint among some of the Hubbard supporters.

    A page late, but amen to that. Although I suspect there will be a few unwitting victims in the mix also.

    Those are our dollars...


    Whilst we are spouting claptrap may I remind you what Alf said about the iPad as he mused into the mirror?

    Wrong thread, maybe?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    Fanboy Disorder

    Excellent, so I won't have to wait long for the medication for my hitherto undiagnosed malaise.

    Come to think of it, I have some right here.

    [iPhone. Apps. First Aid Aromatherapy. Sniffs screen. Ahh, perfect]

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    BTW Don, when you start getting all 'Apple is the devil' on Russell's arse, think I'll pass on becoming one of your 'case studies'.

    In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a Mac fanboy of the highest order. And yes, my horns are growing nicely, since you asked.

    Russell, it really does seem that any Apple discussion here leads to the Spanish Inquisition. It would be fine if we were all in fact Religious Zealots, but last time I looked we just liked buying new tech products, and prefer Apple to PC. Whoopty do!

    Why can't we all just ... get a life?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    Ermmm, the guy doing the video is in the passenger seat, it's American, not to be confused with A Merkin

    Ah, yes, true, but it was a bit confusing when he went to the right of the dashboard to look at 'my GPS'. How many distractions does he need in one car?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    True. Although that would be the same Amazon whose e-reader is so tightly controlled that it was able to reach out and remotely delete '1984' from the Kindle of everyone who bought it

    New meaning to the 'hand of god' analogy? It's a slippery slope from this to making you vomit if you eat any food other than Monsanto approved soy beans.

    ETA: </sarc> Just in case it wasn't obvious.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Southern Apps,

    Based on some recent scientific discoveries I tried the Apple a day diet but the motherboards kept getting stuck in my...

    In the App department, this might be a cool one (aSmart HUD), but what I'd like to know is, if there is no one else in the car, how did he make this video without killing himself, or somebody else?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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