Posts by recordari
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Righto then. Puns away.
"Oi, stop being a cock,"
Before I shuttle off this mortal toil, anyone for badminton?
[Are we there yet?]
The Apple mini Blue tooth wireless Keyboard works too apparently. Have the key board for when I connect Macbook to TV, but no iPad yet.
Still I write a lot of posts here on my iPhone, so I'm thinking I'll manage. Won't be quite as fast, but I'm not writing a book, so that's Ok. Well, not yet...
And I expect it to be awesome.
I don't imagine you'll be disappointed. Would love to see them again if I could.
Next for me is Shihad doing General Electric at the Powerstation. Should be good, but would be better if the Pixies came on afterwards.
If that wasn't enough Pam Corkery for ya,
I think it's amazing you all got out alive.
I do hope Emma and others don't get the impression we (well I should speak for myself I guess) I have moved past all the amazing and important stuff on this thread, and that Rosie has found some help.
Maybe we need a net ball court. Like this, only virtual.
is this what they call net ball?
I was tempted to go with pun crock, but you're obviously more generous.
Anachronism in the OK Corral.
It seems when Apple releases new product that the line between 'yay, new toy to play with, it's really cool, and I want one' and 'the world is ending, and computing will never be the same' gets a bit blurred sometimes.
We likes 'em, me precious, that is all.
ETA: Things moving on here, so removed the mid drift.
Game, set, and match ;-)
insomuch as these kids are perhaps not getting a
full complement (or repertoire) of bacteria and
gut fauna that would normally chow down on,
or break down, unwanted dietary inputs?It is indeed verily villi that is putting the stomach all to shot.
Home, home on the strange. Where the sheep and the buffalo fly.
Come on pilgrim, it's time for a holiday song...
Marion Robert Morrison
Otherwise known as Big Jim McLain? Tenuous, but I swear, this is The End.