Posts by recordari
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Rapid eye movement, in the public image limited, it's looking grim, but we should all just act our age.
R.E.M. PILgrimage.
Fortunately, these days, we have a 11 month old vacuum cleaner.
You just reminded me of when our dining table was over carpet, for years 2 - 4 of the twins learning to eat. We just gave up and put a tarpaulin down. Definitely one of our more socially challenged periods. "Don't mind the drop sheet. We shake it out once a week, whether it needs it or not".
Twins plus one two years later. Somehow in the two interceding years we had forgotten everything. I think this is what is meant by natural selection. If not for a naturally occurring selective memory, the species would be doomed.
I think you and Pam need a bigger stage.
And I mean that in the nicest possible way ;-) Have a great night.
spooky, even...
The wind in the pillows. A tale of 2am in the city.
a two pronged tantalising trickster with a frivolous breast and an airborne aria
Incidentally, you know that book, umm, Hedgehog, cough, it's on the bookcase next to our bed, and has been for two months.
My mum liked both the book (she read it in French first - show-off) and the movie. So much so she bought the English version for us. Who knew?
My first post was 6.45am, so not quite so smug, but fully as up.
The whirly bird catches the perm.
Kerouac in the Twilight Zone?
De Gaulle of de French!
They'll be casting Scott Baio in Nausea next.
Have you read The Elegance of the Hedgehog?
Thanks. Not yet. On my 4th Murakami, so will continue following your advice on books. And Bookiemonsters of course ;-)
ETA. It's not on your Trademe list Ngaire, so will have to look further afield.
ETA2. It's a movie now too.
Good point Cecelia. Our current neighbours are top notch. One, well into her 70s, yelled at a would be burglar, after she heard breaking glass, causing them to run off, and the other couple remember our children's birthdays and invite us to parties. We feed their cat fairly often too.