Posts by recordari
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I'm right handed. Just to be clear.
For the record, I was just being a bit of a dick. Generalising. Gio's advice was clearly lost on me.
And I agree with Isabel, and Deborah, and BookieMonster too ;-)
However, if you have the impression I posted 'Remember you're a Womble', then that's all you. Who'd do such a thing? On PAS, for goodness sake?
That would have made more sense after Gio's earlier comment about dicks, but seems a bit lost now. No, really it would have.
Carry on.
Hmm, Megan responded, so back goes the later bit.
** If you get away with that last comment Sacha, I'm officially Sulking.
So it's not as simple as "don't offer advice" I would suggest.
In a one on one situation, where someone says 'god my OOS is killing me, and I've tried everything and nothing does a damn thing!' Isn't that pretty much an opening for 'I've got this amazing Osteopath, who worked for me.' The freedom to trust the person who made the recommendation or not is there. Presumably they didn't say 'you've been wasting your time, and only my Osteopath will make any difference'.
If someone is sharing experiences of chronic illness as a means of stimulating empathetic dialogue (I've started researching this, it's fascinating) or just cause sometimes the shittiness is too much for one person to carry, then it is not quite the same as giving tacit consent for lumping advice on them, is it?
And what RB said.
Thanks Cecelia. I was initially terrified about posting on this thread cause I didn't want to inadvertently kill the amazing buzz that was going on. But then I thought 'just don't be a prick about it, and you'll probably be fine'.
Lamb shanks
Usually I don't follow recipes, as, well, it requires reading them, but I once made this Nigela Shanks recipe. It was pretty damn good. But my speciality is the whole 1.5 - 2kg Garnet Road butchers leg of lamb, done in an outdoor oven with loads of fresh rosemary from our garden, slow roasted until the skinny end is shank-a-licious, and the other has a nice pinkish tinge on the bone. Crispy kumara and new potatoes on the side.
Is this a cooking thread yet?
There's so much to learn on this thread, but perhaps the lesson which I hope will make me a better person, and a better PAS person, is how important empathy is in group dynamics. Where it has worked is individuals sharing honest experiences without judgement or condescension. At other times, not so much.
Was considering a Madonna track here, but on second thoughts...
So bummed I couldn't make it to his Auckland show a year or two back.
Me too. Damn he's one funkin' amazing musician.
This is a repost from last year, but his cameo in this is worth waiting for. The Crown, Gary Bird. No video. -
More Stevie please!
and wait, there's more...
Islander - thanks for that. Have been advised on, and tried most of those things, and it seems to have slowed to the extent I haven't felt worse for quite some time. But I do have this recalcitrant patient thing going on. Knowing what's good for me is not the same as doing what's right, unfortunately. Need a personal trainer with a whip.
As to Emma's checklist, not right-handed, and no tattoos, but could pretty much fit the rest of it, with only minor adaptation. Political Philosophy.