Posts by recordari
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First response suggests that Tim Shadbolt pops up to welcome them to Invercargill.
Um, yes, my point was that where you go, I follow, so to speak.
Or a mini-van?
Always blow on the pork pie.
PS That goes straight to the Pool Room, or is that Twitter these days? ;-)
I'm starting to favour Prison Break meets Little Miss Sunshine.
Road trip. Excellent!
But yeah, selective, conflicted memories around what really happened seem to be integral to the plot. Anyway, we will just have to wait and see.
I predict she will take charge of the family and things will go horribly wrong.
Wrong enough for Cheryl to renege on the guilty plea, be released on the grounds of a PPD/PTSD combo (she has every right to be), and normal transmission will resume?
Pure speculation of course, and I'll eat my octopus if it comes true.
In fits and starts
for broken hearts
out West is always bestIn the absence of light
the darkest of knights
will ride the mighty vanA matriarch beckons
'they're my babies' she reckons
Beware the Van with a plan -
Outrageous Fortune is now online.
That's two Teh Herald articles in one week that have made me go 'ugh, that's noice!'
Careful, I might start to believe in magic.
I can count the movies and TV episodes that have made me cry on one hand, that one broke me for an hour or so.
I'll give you that. The shots of the bonfire have me concerned though.
This anticipation has two earworms playing over in my head.
Dialing a Prayer by Straightjacket Fits (not on youtube).
Do you love me by Nick Cave.Not entirely sure why. Bring it on, I say.
Well for starters, the All Blacks are the #1 ranked team in the world, and the Springboks are #2.
I think some people would rate parts of the 1956 series in NZ, and the 1996 series (first time we won in South Africa) as best.My bad.
I did say 'best game played last Saturday night' though, just to avoid getting into a 'best off'.Speaking of best OF, which would you rate as the best Outrageous Fortune episode?
Based on pure anticipation, I'm picking tonight's episode.
Is this the official video? Haven't seen it before, but love the song to pieces.
Outrageous Fortune, definitely NZ's best show ever in my book.
All Black performance, sporting success, tv showSometimes it's valid though, right?
All whites: Best performance by New Zealand football team at a World Cup, ever.
All Blacks: Best performance by an All Blacks side rated number two in the world against the Springboks (rated number one) at Eden park, on Saturday 10th July 2010, ever.And, just to be a real pendant, it's his book. Coincidentally, also in my book.
I'm reducing my rapturous paean to Claudia Cardinale's expressive cleavage to slightly less fetishistic proportions.
Why bother? The reduction I mean. Always preferred... no, that would be too obvious, even for me ;-)