Posts by recordari
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Lettuce praise you like we should.
Hey Geoff. Just tried to sleep, and it felt like a new mountain was forming behind my eyes and nose. Will now try the perennial cure all and have some tea with lemon and honey.
Have to get up the strength for Rugby tonight, and the rest of World Cup.
Thanks. My befuddled, flu-ridden head can even comprehend that. All this sunshine in Auckland, and I gotta look at it through glass.* Boohoo! Whining over, carry on.
* Ok, I could go out, but the light is just sooo bright!
Ahh, you got there before me. Explanation here.
TAB odds now 3.50 Netherlands, 2.10 Spain, 3.25 Draw. Does that work?
Not if they draw, which seemed strange to me, as why is that deemed more likely than Netherlands winning? Am I missing something? Mansplains welcome.
Update: I was looking at Head to Head, so while you're about it, why is the Winner of World cup different? I don't bet at all. Can you tell?
Re-reading this yesterday it made me look around to see what other luminary poets produced in quantity over their writing lives. 1775 poems is by all accounts astronomical.
I've tried to find a similar list for T.S. Eliot, but it varies from one person saying he published 19 works, and another list with 26 on it. I'm sure it was more, but it wasn't 1775.
And yet, on my part I could much more readily recall 'a patient etherised upon a table', and women coming and going talking of Michaelangelo than anything Dickinson wrote. Mind you, Eliot also produced some 600 essays and critical works, so he was a busy fellow nonetheless.
It seems Plath published around 230. These numbers are all pretty unreliable, so if anyone has better sources, please correct me.
My point? Well there is perhaps hope for poets who spend 40 years writing 40 poems, provided they are as significant as Prufrock. I can admire Dickinson for her contribution, but they just don't 'resonate' in the same way for me. However, if someone could point to some of her poems that could challenge this view, I'm open to suggestion. The Brain poem is good, and the better for ChrisW's contribution, but still don't see myself quoting it ages hence.*
* Frost seems to have published around 142. Although a recent copy of the Robert Frost Review from the RF Society indicated a few more are out there.
I find that panda's smile somewhat unnerving. I'm such a prude.
Panda-moan-I-um, what?
Being a sporting country, we should give him a choice.
a) The new detention centre in East Timor.
b) Wear this mask, especially on talk shows. -
Right it's Friday, so the Emmy's are all very well, but can I land some more music?
Will have to check out the Tracy Thorn. There's so much in the female vocal department at the moment. Still loving Hollie Smith, and Kirsten Morrell's solo album is worthy, but as I may have mentioned earlier, I'm quite looking forward to the release of Julia Deans album, I think on Monday. Got the EP at her gig a while back, and it is pretty damn good, IMhO.
Some previews are on MySpace now. -
Piss up. Brewery. Couldn't. A. Organise. In. A.
Mix and mingle as applicable.
Skin your shed and let's get started
We could all go skinny dipping, with the Octopus?
This just had to be played. Bring the cheese, and beware the Octopus.